I have taken a country and split the vector data for this country into 1 degree by 1 degree cells (tie edge between two cells) and now I need to combine the different data cells back together. I use to do this manually ex... I have roads snapped together meeting along the tie edge but are no longer one road (merged) because I have to split the data apart. I use to go a long the tie edge and manually select the two road segments and merge them back together. What I am wanting to know is there an automated process that can merge data back together that is snapped at a tie edge. I need to do this for lines and polygons
Thank you for any help or ideas.
havent tried it in years, but Dissolve with unsplit lines looks promising ArcGIS Help (10.2, 10.2.1, and 10.2.2)
Do you know if there is away to use a buffer to set a work environment and merge the features within the buffer?
never tried it...sorry