I'm currently creating a workflow from former case studies that employs the use of K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm to determine the distance band or epsilon value for use as input in DBSCAN. The nature of my work requires that I adhere to this methodology, so I have to use it.
Unfortunately, I cannot find a specific tool in ArcGIS Pro's toolbox that uses the K-NN algorithm specifically as proximity search tool based upon a minimum number of feature. The closest I've come to this is using a combination of tools in Model Builder:
I've also scripted this process outside of ArcGIS Pro in python using SciKit Learn package.
Is there an easier way to do this with an off the shelf tool? Or will I have to create a custom tool using Python and use the script to build the tool in Model Builder?
I'm using ArcGIS Pro 2.8
Hi @MHzzz123,
Would the Average Nearest Neighbor tool help at all? If not, would you mind explaining in a little more detail exactly what question you are trying to answer with this workflow?