I am always making this stuff up as I go along, but if you are still trying to do this here is a script I built today that iterate through fields and creates a TIN for each and does some other stuff. I didn't want it to use the OBJECTID field or the northing and easting so it is seperated into 2 blocks....there is almost certainly a more elegant way to do that part.... basically you make a list of the fields and iterate through the listimport arcpy, arcgis, os
from arcpy import env
from arcpy.sa import *
InTable = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
InPoints = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)
fieldList = arcpy.ListFields(InTable)
for field in fieldList:
f_name = field.name
if not (f_name == "easting" or f_name == "northing" or f_name == "OBJECTID"):
arcpy.MakeXYEventLayer_management(InTable, "easting", "northing", "temp", "", "")
para_in = "temp" + " " + f_name + " masspoints"
arcpy.CreateTin_3d("NewTIN", "", para_in, "constrained_delaunay")
arcpy.TinRaster_3d ("NewTIN", f_name, "FLOAT", "LINEAR", "CELLSIZE 20", "")
ExtractMultiValuesToPoints(InPoints, [f_name], "BILINEAR")