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How to get vacant parcel data from TAZ, using parcel and TAZ GIS files

01-07-2012 11:44 AM
Emerging Contributor
I am developing an alternate urban scenario using modeling and I calculated my developable land and created GIS parcel data for vacant land, also deleted all sensitive lands, including PUDs . Now I have zdata for the counties with TAZ's boundaries, In order to allocate land, need the exact vacant parcels in each TAZ, therefore  I wanted to calculate the vacant parcels in each taz, How can I do that?

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1 Reply
MVP Alum
I am developing an alternate urban scenario using modeling and I calculated my developable land and created GIS parcel data for vacant land, also deleted all sensitive lands, including PUDs . Now I have zdata for the counties with TAZ's boundaries, In order to allocate land, need the exact vacant parcels in each TAZ, therefore  I wanted to calculate the vacant parcels in each taz, How can I do that?


You should use the Spatial Join tool if there is no common field between the parcels and the TAZs.  If the TAZ is the target you can use the One-to-One option and do summarys of fields from the parcels.  You could alternatively do the One-To-Many option to generate a complete list of all matches and summarize that result, if you needed the full set of records for some other purpose.
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