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How can i reorder the individual locators in a composite address locator?

01-05-2016 10:08 AM
Regular Contributor

I have a composite address locator and the first three are street based locators that will put the points on the streets.The fourth and fifth locators are parcel based. The problem is I need my points to be parcel accurate and when I use this locator majority of the addresses are matched by the first three locators and the points are put on the streets. I want to modify my locator and make the parcel based locators to be on the top. Any suggestions will be appreciated!

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5 Replies
MVP Emeritus

Two options-

give your street based locators an offset  (and rebuild all, then rebuild composite)

go into your composite and use the arrow up/ arrow down buttons to move the order of the selected locator.

That should just about do it....
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Regular Contributor


The locator in question is from a GIS Server and so all options are greyed out.

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MVP Emeritus

Somewhere, there has to be the unpublished composite; if you don't have access to that, or can't buy off the person who does, you're stuck...

That should just about do it....
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Regular Contributor

🙂 I was wondering if there was an option to reorder them when you do the geocoding step.

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MVP Emeritus
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