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Model Builder and Get Raster Properties -> Raster Calculator

02-24-2011 01:20 PM
New Contributor
In Model builder I am trying to use Get Raster Properties tool (ex. Min and Max)  from the Data Management Toolbox and feed the output to the raster calculator to do raster math.  Is that possible?

Otherwise, my solution may be to go to python scripting.  Not very good at coding, any tips or script examples? 

I am using ArcGIS v10.


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6 Replies
Emerging Contributor
I've spent a long time try to do what you described but haven't had any luck. Did you ever get it to work?
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Emerging Contributor
I have been trying to accomplish the same thing. I'm going to post something to the Python scripting community.

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Emerging Contributor
If you use the get raster properties tool, you can create a bunch of different properties for grids (mean, median, std, etc). After those are generated, they show up as layers in the raster calculator when you are typing your equation. It's not as elegant as I was hoping for, but it works.
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Emerging Contributor
Thanks for the advise. I'll give it a shot.
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Esri Contributor
This thread is old so maybe this has been solved elsewhere. Anyway, I found a way to accomplish this so I'd thought I'd post it here.

I simply put GetRasterProperties in a script-tool and set the output datatype to Double. That made the raster calculator able to handle the input. It seems the problem with GetRasterProperties tool is that it outputs it's value as Variant which makes RastCalc fail.
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Emerging Contributor


An extra step in Model builder but it works.

Insert > Model Tools Only > Calculate Value; and simply add a short script that transforms the Output of the GetRasterProperties from Variant type to Double type [attached]. And than simply use the output from the Calculate Value tool inside the Raster Calculator.CalculateValue.png