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Field Calculator VBA ArcGIS 9.3 - how to replace the last three characters of a string?

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09-22-2014 08:32 AM
Deactivated User

Hello, I'm a newbie to VBA Script, so any of the below script could be wrong. I'm trying to use Field Calculator to replace any "_10" at the end of a filename (i.e. an entry in a field, in an attribute table) with "_11". Could anyone help me please? Many thanks in advance! sdrew1


Pre-logic VBA Script Code

Dim MyStr as string

Dim strLen as integer


strLen = Len([FILENAME])


If Right([FILENAME],3) = "_10" Then

MyStr = Left([FILENAME], strLen-3)) & "_11"



End if


Filename =


1 Solution

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I think 9.3 should support Python if you run the Field Calculator geoprocessing tool, otherwise for VBA this should work:

Dim length

Dim result

length = Len([Filename])

If length > 2 Then

  result = Left([Filename], length - 3) & Replace(Right([Filename], 3), "_10", "_11")


  result = [Filename]

End If


Filename =


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14 Replies
Deactivated User

you'd have to give me more information, have you tried cut and paste?! Repeat the string?

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Deactivated User

There are a lot of them in the database. E.g. the FileName field is populated with record entries such as "New_Town_Planning_Project_10" and I want to make all the thousends of records entries be "New_Town_Planning_Project_11".

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

You shouldn't declare the variables as a type. Try

Dim MyStr

Dim strLen

0 Kudos
Deactivated User

Thanks Ken, for the help. It sadly still doesn't work (I get an error message that sayd 'Error Running VBA code: User interrupt.'). If you or anyone has any other ideas I would be a very grateful recipient! Steve

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Frequent Contributor

How about a Python one-liner?

Filename = !Filename![:-3] + !Filename![-3:].replace("_10", "_11")

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Deactivated User

Hi Pete, thanks for the help but it's Arc 9.3 so only works in VBA - unless I'm missing something - I'm not used to Python (either). Thanks for trying to help - any clue about VBA would be very grateful!?

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Frequent Contributor

I think 9.3 should support Python if you run the Field Calculator geoprocessing tool, otherwise for VBA this should work:

Dim length

Dim result

length = Len([Filename])

If length > 2 Then

  result = Left([Filename], length - 3) & Replace(Right([Filename], 3), "_10", "_11")


  result = [Filename]

End If


Filename =


Deactivated User

That's great Pete, thanks very much! That works brilliantly. And I think I'm learning - I can actually work out why you've written it as you have. The only bit I don't know about is why you might have written 'if the length is greater than 2'? Is that in case there are default blank fields? (If you don't want to answer this that's ok - I'm just learning and can't find links on the net to teach me about it...). Cheers Pete. Steve

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Frequent Contributor

Yeah, in case there's a string that's blank or too short for the Left and Right to work properly.

As Joe said, you can probably use the Replace function better if it supports the 'normal':

Replace(string, find, replace[, start[, count[, compare]]])

.. VBA format in field calculator.