Hi everyone,
I intend to undertake the above research project, whose main objectives are;
I'll be able to obtain the following data:boundary shapefile for region and unit areas within, population and criminal records for every unit area and location in excel..
I am requesting for any ideas on how to approach the project and the processes/analyses involved to achieve best results.
Hi Kevin,
You can accomplish a lot with the Spatial Statistics tool within ArcGIS. Here are some helpful links:
1-Extend Crime Analysis with ArcGIS Spatial Statistics Tools
Crime Mapping—Using Spatial Statistics and Analysis Effectively | ArcGIS Video
Thanks alot Jake Skinner,..Indeed the links are very useful,.
ESRI hosted this webinar a week or so ago. You can find the recording as well as several other videos here
Thanks Steven for the important link. The Demos are comprehensive and gives me a bearing on the project.