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Export coordinates from polyline

08-12-2013 11:55 PM
New Contributor

How do you export coordinates from polylines? We need the coordinates in raw text format with each polyline related to a OBJECTID in the Attribute Table.

See attached image


I have been searching the web for this but have only find a way to get the coordinates of "Point Z" objects using the "Add XY Coordinates" tool. This however, does not work for Polyline shapes.
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3 Replies
MVP Honored Contributor

How do you export coordinates from polylines? We need the coordinates in raw text format with each polyline related to a OBJECTID in the Attribute Table.

See attached image


I have been searching the web for this but have only find a way to get the coordinates of "Point Z" objects using the "Add XY Coordinates" tool. This however, does not work for Polyline shapes.

If you have an advanced license you could use the Feature Vertices to Point tool to convert your lines to points with the ALL option.  The attributes of the lines are maintained on the points and they are exported in order.  You could calculate the X and Y coordinates by adding two double fields and using the geometry calculator.  Then you could select all records, open the table view and copy the records, paste that into Excel and convert it to a text file.
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New Contributor
Thank you for answering, however I do not have the advanced license.

Does anyone know another way to do it?

Would be great if I could export it to a .kml or similar. I have tried exporting to a CAD and from Microstation i can convert it to .kml. This way i get the Coordinates but not the Attributes and IDS. So alla the relations between polylines and attributes are missing making the data pretty much worthless...
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Honored Contributor
If your final goal is to have a .kml file, just use the Layer To Kml tool:

I think this standard tool has been avalable since v9.3.
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