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Geoprocessing Extract Data Task does not return any features.

08-12-2013 11:57 AM
Emerging Contributor

I created a geoprocessing service by following the Clip and Ship example. When I run the Extract Data Task from within ArcMap, I get a coordinate system warning but the resulting shapefiles contain the correct features. However, when I try and run the Extract Data Task from the REST web interface, I get the coordinate system warning but no features are in the result shapefile. The shapefile does contain the correct fields though. Does anyone know what the cause of this issue might be? Is this a spatial reference issue?

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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
Its almost certainly a spatial ref issue.
What happens if you re-consume the the service inside ArcMap?
(ArcMap helps a lot in regards to coordinate systems).

You said you're consuming via REST?
Have you set the spatial reference in your input AOI request?
Does it match the original features?
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Emerging Contributor

You said you're consuming via REST?
Have you set the spatial reference in your input AOI request?
Does it match the original features?

Are you referring to the Output Spatial Reference and Process Spatial Reference text boxes? I've tried leaving them blank and setting them to 102100 and neither work.

I was playing around with the Area of Interest and when using meters for the polygon rings, it worked and returned features. However, when drawing a polygon on the map, it always uses coordinates that are huge.

[[[52989.647, -15185.816], [153531.515, -119961.026], [33410.442, -125252.703], [52989.647, -15185.816]]] - This is in meters and works. I got these values from ArcMap which is using a NAD 83 coordinate system.

[[[-8584973.771707749, 5056473.713197373], [-8425984.752874626, 4859571.928334812], [-8655907.333956374, 4830220.109473312], [-8584973.771707749, 5056473.713197373]]] - Someone told me these are projected coordinates. This is what I get when I draw the polygon on the map. How do I convert this into the meter coordinates?
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