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Combine multiple Features in Geometric Network between Junction subtype

09-01-2011 10:02 AM
Occasional Contributor
I'm looking to combine water "pipe segment"s into larger line segments that I'm calling water "pipe"s. 

I have a geometric network for our water system based on the ESRI Water Utilities data model.  The water "pipe segment"s I refer to above are the individual features that make up our wPressurizedMain feature class.  I have a wFitting feature class that contains points that connect the end of one "pipe" to an intersecting "pipe".  These "pipe"s contain one or more smaller "pipe segment"s.  The "pipe segment"s connect to each other at a valve or hydrant, but not at wFitting points.

Is there an existing tool or a simple a way that I can combine the "pipe segment"s into "pipe"s?  Each "pipe" would begin and end at a wFitting feature.

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8 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor
   You can combine line features in a geometric network using the merge geometric network lines tool in the Infrastructure Editing Template.
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Occasional Contributor
Thanks for the response.  I guess I should have been more specific in my original post.  I'm looking for a tool that automates the process of "skeletonizing" the water mains.  I want to programmatically merge all the water mains at hydrants and valves, but not at junctions.  Actually, I just got an idea.  I'm going to try it and see what happens.  I'll keep you posted.
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Occasional Contributor
Nope didn't work.  The tool won't allow me to differentiate between merges.  Maybe I can modify the Merge Geometric Network Lines tool to merge all the selected mains at hydrants and valves, but not junctions, effectively "skeletonizing" the water mains to junctions.
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Esri Frequent Contributor
What if you made a copy of the lines feature class.  Ran a merge to merge all pipes of the same size or diameter or all together.  Then used the points to resplit them at the location.  You would need to do this outside the geometric network.  The Infrastructure Editing template has a tool to split lines at selected points.
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Occasional Contributor
That might work.  Let me give it a shot.
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Occasional Contributor
When I use the Split Lines At Points tool I get the following error:

Split Lines
Split point results in a zero length polyline.

I click OK, then it seems to go into an infinite loop.  The progress window says, "Splitting line 0 of 25.  Splitting At Selected Points" and there's no progress for a good 15 minutes before I give up and have to go to Windows Task Manager to end the ArcMap task.  The Cancel button is rendered inopperable when the Split tool is in it's infinite loop.

Seen this before?  Any tips.

I don't know where the Split tool is finding cases where zero length polygons would be created.

On a subset of my water main, and fittings I've done the following procedure to get to where I am now:
I selected all of the 4" diameter and Asbestos Cement material water main features and merged them into one feature.
Then I used the Feature Vertices to Points tool to create a new feature class containing all of the end points or dangles on the merged water main.
I used the merged water main feature to select all the fitting point features it intersects.
From that fitting point feature selection set I removed all of the end points of dangles which left me with all of the fitting features (i.e. junctions) that are not at the end of the merged water main feature I want to split.
I started editing on the water main feature class.
I even selected the water main layer in the TOC I want to split.
I've tried this process with the merged water line feature selected and also unselected.

I still get the zero length error noted above.

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Esri Frequent Contributor
   Could you send me a map package of your data and I can see what is going on.

mmiller @ esri . com
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Occasional Contributor
Unfortuntately, I can't.  I'm working for a client on their municipal water system data and I'd have to get you approved by the client to use the data and you'd have to sign a release and all that.  It's not worth the trouble.  I'll explore other options to get the results I'm looking for.  Sorry I can't help you troubleshoot this issue.  Thanks for the effort though.
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