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Can not rename Composite Locator with Rename tool

03-23-2016 10:21 AM
Emerging Contributor

I am using ArcMap/Catalog 10.0 Basic.  I have to use (10.0) as the third party has not updated their software to cooperate with 10.1 or higher.

I am running processes in Model builder where I am copying gdbs from one folder to another down a line of three of folders as the gdbs are updated.  I need to rename the Composite Locator for each gdb to the next folder name down the line after the gdb is copied over.

When I run the Rename tool in Model Builder (or even alone) for the Composite Locator it will not rename. Message Error 99999 comes up.  I have tried running the Rename tool every which way but loose to get it to work, inside the gdb or outside the gdb.  The gdb with Composite Locator to be renamed is not open anywhere to cause a schema lock.

I know I can copy the Composite Locator with the new name and then delete the old one, but it seems like a waste of time as that is what the Rename tool is for.  I can not find any information anywhere that Locators can not be renamed with the Rename tool.

Am I missing something or Locators can not be renamed with the Rename tool

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3 Replies
MVP Emeritus

I have seen that tact used before, whereby a sole object can't be renamed (or deleted) in case it becomes corrupt, whereas a copy can be created and verified... then the original is fair game for whatever.  It is preservation logic, it ensures a valid entity exists from which copies can be made.

Emerging Contributor


Thank you very much! I've been scratching my head trying to figure out why, but I could not find any information on why.

I appreciate your quick reply.


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MVP Emeritus

Michael, that would be my interpretation of the logic... which is a good logic to follow... but there is no guarantee that is the logic the developers were following.  But we will grasp to the positive assessment of the scenario