I am using the Add Join tool to join a File Geodatabase Feature Class attribute table to another File Geodatabase Feature Class using parcel ID as the common field.
After the join I end up with more features than the original File Geodatabase Feature Class (Original 245,146, after the join 245,149) and I get this message next to the total number of features in a yellow triangle at the bottom of the attribute table after the join has been made: "You have duplicate OIDs in this table as a result of the join. The selection count is for unique OIDs, the total count is for all rows." (please see attached picture named Add_Join)
I tried both with the unchecked "Keep All Target Features" and checking it but both ave me the same result.
I used the Copy Features tool to make the join permanent and the extra features were still there. (Please see picture named Export_Features).
1. I would like to identify the extra features that were added with the join and why this is happening.
2. How to avoid this from happening ?
Note: I was not having this problem when I was joining shapefile feature classes to file geodatabase feature classes. I cannot keep on doing it this way because it was taking too long (days) to process.
I am guessing I was not having this problem with shapefiles because shapefiles use FID instead of OBJECTID?
I would appreciate someone to help me with this matter,
I am not seeing this behaviour in your joined table
In the resulting layer or table view, the fields from the input layer or table view will be prefixed with the input's name and a period (.), and all fields from the join table will be prefixed with the join table name plus a period as the default.
I do not understand your comment. Could you explain a bit more please.
This is the attribute table after being exported with the Show field aliases toggle turned off.
Things to have in mind:
1. The table being joined has more features than the original table.
2. I just want to keep the number of features on the original.
3. I am using Parcel ID as the unique field.
This is the file Geodatabase Feature Class Attribute Table with the joined fields already:
Prior to your join, perform a summary table on parcel id field in both tables. Sort them on the count field and see if there are any repeats (count > 1) I'm just trying to establish if there is a one to one relationship between the two tables, of if there is a many to one or one to many situation. Admittedly, this may be a reach based on too little caffine at this early hour...
There are more parcel IDs on the table I am joining than the one I am joining to.
I just don't know why it adds more features.. I am not sure if it is repeating parcel ID's or why is this happening and how do I identify the ones being repeated.
There are more parcel IDs on the table I am joining than the one I am joining to.
And are there any repeats of those parcel IDs in that table?
I just run a frequency on the parcel ID field and discovered that there are 2 parcel ID repeated twice:
Should I delete the ones repeated and leave only 1 per parcel ID and that should solve the problem?