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Comparison between ESRI Geoportal Toolkit, Extension & ESRI Geospatial Server

05-13-2012 10:47 PM
New Contributor

This is Saher.
Our Organization is planning to design a Geoportal at a National level, therefore I am caring out a comparative study between Geonetwork, ESRI GIS Portal Toolkit 9.3.1, ESRI Geoportal Extension 10 and ESRI Geospatial Server (Open Source).
I have studied the user and developer manuals but still there are few things which are not clear at technical and architectural level.

Please help me with the following questions. Your help will help us to reach to some conclusion that whether to use Geonetwork, ESRI Geoportal ToolKit / Extension or ESRI GeoSpatial Server :-

1. What is the security at application level (e.g. Particular data access to an individual in a group, etc.) and system level (e.g. Can individual Nodes have full access to all hierarchies within the portal) in ESRI Geoportal Toolkit/ ESRI Geoprtal Extension and ESRI Geospatial Server (which is an open source)?

2. Is the security level the same in ESRI Geoportal Server for both it's commercial and open source products?

3. What are the functionalities in ESRI Geoportal Toolkit & Extension (i.e. Commercial) that is not present in ESRI Geospatial Server (i.e. Open source) and vice versa?

4. If we want to use ArcGIS Server with Geonetwork then do we need to purchase the ESRI license for it or ArcGIS Server Online is enough for it?

5. Other then the cost why organizations prefer open source like Geonetwork / ESRI Geospatial Server?

6. What is special about ESRI Geospatial Server (i.e. Open Source) that the organization must go for it rather than ESRI Geoportal Toolkit / Extension (i.e. Commercial)?

7. Can we also connect with other ESRI products via Geonetwork.
For example:
a. Direct modification of vector or raster layer from ArcMap or any other such tool/technology
b. Directly updating Metadata from ArcCatolog or any such other tool/technology.
c. Or any other map viewer like ArcExplorer, ArcGlobe, ArcScene, etc.?

8. Can we also connect with other ESRI products via ESRI Geospatial Server which is an open source.
For example:
a. Direct modification of vector or raster layer from ArcMap or any other such tool/technology
b. Directly updating Metadata from ArcCatolog or any such other tool/technology.
c. Or any other map viewer like ArcExplor1er, ArcGlobe, ArcScene, etc.

9. If both ESRI Geoportal commercial and open source Servers provide the same functionalities and secutity then why companies opt for commercial which is very costly and management is also difficult

Thank you.
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4 Replies
New Contributor
Please any one to help me with my queries???
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Esri Contributor
In general: The Geoportal Server is the open source successor to the ArcGIS Server Geoportal Extension. At 9.3.1 and 10, the product was released as ArcGIS Server Geoportal Extension. In October 2010, the product was released to the open source community under the Apache 2.0 license and was renamed Geoportal Server. While functionally the same at the outset (October 2010) any further development has been and will be on the Geoportal Server. In line with Esri�??s product lifecycle and support policies, the ArcGIS Server Geoportal Extension is still supported (for existing users0, but for newly starting users, we recommend the Geoportal Server product instead. As an extension, the ArcGIS Server Geoportal Extension did rely on ArcGIS Server. The Geoportal Server does not require an ArcGIS Server license.

On security. Geoportal Server has multiple capabilities in terms of security:

  • from user authentication perspective, you can configure a single 'administrator' account without needing LDAP configuration or such. you can configure an LDAP user store based on open source technologies like ApacheDS or OpenDS, OR you can configure Geoportal Server with your enterprise user store (like ActiveDirectory or Oracle's OAM/OIM solutions). the last requires some knowledge of the structure of that enterprise user store and typically requires more configuration. This is because every organization implements user directories differently to reflect their organizational structure. We also support windows integrated authentication and single-sign on based on container authentication technologies. We also have abilities to use OpenID/OAuth.

  • the items in the catalog can also be restricted from access by user groups. there are three modes here (see How to Restrict Access to Metadata).

You ask a couple question regarding Geonetwork that are best answered by their user forum.
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New Contributor
Hi Marten,

Thank you very much for taking the time to reply. I really appreciate it and I have looked into the sites that you shared in this and your earlier emails, they are very helpful and opened my mind to proceed further with the process.

Kind regards.
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New Contributor
In general: The Geoportal Server is the open source successor to the ArcGIS Server Geoportal Extension. At 9.3.1 and 10, the product was released as ArcGIS Server Geoportal Extension. In October 2010, the product was released to the open source community under the Apache 2.0 license and was renamed Geoportal Server. While functionally the same at the outset (October 2010) any further development has been and will be on the Geoportal Server. In line with Esri�??s product lifecycle and support policies, the ArcGIS Server Geoportal Extension is still supported (for existing users0, but for newly starting users, we recommend the Geoportal Server product instead. As an extension, the ArcGIS Server Geoportal Extension did rely on ArcGIS Server. The Geoportal Server does not require an ArcGIS Server license.

On security. Geoportal Server has multiple capabilities in terms of security:

  • from user authentication perspective, you can configure a single 'administrator' account without needing LDAP configuration or such. you can configure an LDAP user store based on open source technologies like ApacheDS or OpenDS, OR you can configure Geoportal Server with your enterprise user store (like ActiveDirectory or Oracle's OAM/OIM solutions). the last requires some knowledge of the structure of that enterprise user store and typically requires more configuration. This is because every organization implements user directories differently to reflect their organizational structure. We also support windows integrated authentication and single-sign on based on container authentication technologies. We also have abilities to use OpenID/OAuth.

  • the items in the catalog can also be restricted from access by user groups. there are three modes here (see How to Restrict Access to Metadata).

You ask a couple question regarding Geonetwork that are best answered by their user forum.

Do you have any information/documentation for using OpenID with geoportal version 1.2.2? Thanks!
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