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Browse Catalog tree not getting populated...

07-25-2012 10:30 PM
Deactivated User
The catalog list is not getting populated after posting and approving some sample data. I've posted metadata using metadata editor as well as using publish client from ArcCatalog.  But either ways are not working for me.  I am not seeing any content list in the catalog panel, but it is listing in the right panel.  Is there any keywords to be given while creating metadata so that it will list under catalog tree???

Kindly find the snap shot in the attachment.

Thanks and Regards,
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10 Replies
Esri Contributor
hi, it looks like you only have this one test record published AND approved. approval is needed before items will show up in the browse navigation.

also check the content of .../geoportal/WEB-INF/classes/gpt/search/browse/browse.xml to be like:

  <tree key="browseCatalog" fileName="gpt/search/browse/browse-catalog.xml"/>
  <tree key="browseResource" fileName="gpt/search/browse/browse-resource.xml"/>

and that the browse-catalog.xml is populated like so:

  <!-- Catalog -->
    <name resourceKey="catalog.browse.toc.browseCatalog"></name>
    <!-- Content types -->
    <name resourceKey=""></name>
    <name resourceKey=""></name>

the first <query> element shows all documents in your catalog that are approved for searching. the <query> element inside the <item> with id=1 will return documents with content types set to the ones listed, and so on.
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Deactivated User
Hi Marten,
Thanks for the reply.  The 2 files were same as you told.  Even I am not trying to add a new item in the browse-catalog file.  These are the same files which came along with geoportal download.

content of browse.xml which has been used in my application is pasted below
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <tree key="browseCatalog" fileName="gpt/search/browse/browse-catalog.xml"/>
  <tree key="browseResource" fileName="gpt/search/browse/browse-resource.xml"/>

content of browse-catalog.xml which has been used in my application is pasted below
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!-- Catalog -->
    <name resourceKey="catalog.browse.toc.browseCatalog"></name>
    <!-- Content types -->
    <name resourceKey=""></name>
    <name resourceKey=""></name>
    <name resourceKey=""></name>
    <name resourceKey=""></name>
    <name resourceKey=""></name>
    <name resourceKey=""></name>
    <name resourceKey=""></name>
    <name resourceKey=""></name>
    <name resourceKey=""></name>
    <name resourceKey=""></name>
    <name resourceKey=""></name>
  <!-- ISO Topic Categories -->
    <name resourceKey="catalog.harvest.iso.caption"></name>
        <name resourceKey="catalog.mdCode.topic.boundaries"></name>
     <name resourceKey="catalog.mdCode.topic.farming"></name>
        <name resourceKey="catalog.mdCode.topic.climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere"></name>
    <name resourceKey="catalog.mdCode.topic.biota"></name>
        <name resourceKey="catalog.mdCode.topic.economy"></name>
        <name resourceKey="catalog.mdCode.topic.planningCadastre"></name>
        <name resourceKey="catalog.mdCode.topic.society"></name>
    <name resourceKey="catalog.mdCode.topic.elevation"></name>
        <name resourceKey="catalog.mdCode.topic.environment"></name>
        <name resourceKey="catalog.mdCode.topic.structure"></name>
    <name resourceKey="catalog.mdCode.topic.geoscientificInformation"></name>
    <name resourceKey=""></name>
    <name resourceKey="catalog.mdCode.topic.imageryBaseMapsEarthCover"></name>
        <name resourceKey="catalog.mdCode.topic.inlandWaters"></name>
        <name resourceKey="catalog.mdCode.topic.location"></name>
    <name resourceKey="catalog.mdCode.topic.intelligenceMilitary"></name>
    <name resourceKey="catalog.mdCode.topic.oceans"></name>
    <name resourceKey="catalog.mdCode.topic.transportation"></name>
     <name resourceKey="catalog.mdCode.topic.utilitiesCommunication"></name>

Thanks and Regards,
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Deactivated User
Any idea came up???  To add additional information, I am not using LDAP configuration instead I am usin the using Simple Authentication.  Will this make a difference by any means???

And to add further information, when I use the "ip:8080" address in the url, I am not even getting the browse content in the right panel.  But using "localhost:8080" word in url it is displaying the browse content in the right pane.

Really stumped!!!

Any help appreciated.

Thanks and Regards,
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Esri Contributor
LDAP versus Simple Authentication won't make a difference.  Also, should not make a difference between localhost versus the ip-address (unless they are different machines!).

On a default installation, the Browse tree should show up regardless of whether there is content to fit the browse tree nodes or not.

Have you taken a look at the geoportal log files?
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Deactivated User
Hi Creece,
I've tried to look into the log file.  Unfortunately log files are not getting generated irrespective of the log level being kept as "FINEST".  This is also a stumping factor for me to know what and where exactly the things are going wrong.

I've wasted 2days of my time drilling down the
link and ended up in nothing.  Not even a single change I am able to find out in my code.

I will relook into this once again.  And regarding the name and ip address - it is making a difference in displaying the browse content in my machine.  Hope I need to re-install and configure the entire geoportal once again and validate my query.

Any help appreciated.

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Esri Contributor
That's a bad thing if the log files aren't being generated.  If you are using Tomcat, then the log file location and filename prefix are set in geoportal/WEB-INF/classes/  If you are using Glassfish, then there is only one log file for the whole web container.

Can you give a brief summary of your environment?  ... OS, DBMS, Web Container, Geoportal version (may also need copies of your gpt.xml and geoportal.xml eventually)  Do you have paid maintenance for Geoportal Server?  If so, you could submit a Tech Support ticket to Esri Tech Support.

P.S. Sorry to hear about the 2 days of effort without finding a solution.  If you haven't customized the Browse tree, then it should be working.  I can only imagine there is something else wrong with the installation.
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Deactivated User
Hi Creece,
Now I am able to see the logs!!!  The size of the log file is around 500MB. I've searched the error log and found almost 3 SEVERE exceptions.  2 of the exceptions were known and 1 is different which I am not able to figure it out. The exception message is "SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet Faces Servlet threw exception".

I am attaching the gpt.xml and geoportal.xml files (as notepad).

And the environment details were

Version              - Geoportal Extension 10
OS                    - Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard
Service pack       - Service pack1
DBMS                 - Oracle 11g
Web Server         - Apache-tomcat-6.0.32

I believe that irrespective of the metadata information like ISO Categories or Content Type categories, the content has to be displayed in the right pane!!! But still I am not getting it.  The installation was done using the help of pdf file provided by ESRI.

Thanks and Regards,
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Deactivated User
Does anybody faced similar kind of issue?...
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Regular Contributor
I don't think the issue is with the query. That your resource shows up in the right panel indicates that the query is performed successfully. I think the issue with with the rendering of the Categories panel. Compare this screenshot of the Browse tab from the Geoportal Server LiveDVD Demo:
As you can see, in the LiveDVD version there's a folder icon and +/- box to the left of "Catalog" in the panel. These are missing in yours. There are two things that I can think of that could be causing this:

  1. Outdated version of Java. What version of the Java JDK are you using?

  2. Corruption of either the browse.jsp or browseBody.jsp files in your /geoportal/catalog/search/browse folder. Compare the versions you have to the ones found on SourceForge here.

As to your ip:8080/localhost:8080 issue. The ip:8080 URL is going through your IT network to complete the query whereas the localhost:8080 query is staying on your machine. Either there's something going on with your organization's IT network that's preventing the query from going through (e.g. firewall issues) or your Oracle database is set up to only accept localhost requests and not ip requests. I don't know anything about the Oracle database to help you with that. I know that for PostgreSQL there's a pg_hba.conf file that you use to manage connections. There's probably something similar for Oracle.

I hope this helped!

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