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Webinar: GeoAI with Video and Oriented Imagery

07-21-2020 11:51 AM
Esri Regular Contributor
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Deep learning when applied to video and oriented imagery can be groundbreaking and great value is realized when location is added to this equation.  

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Title: GeoAI with Video and Oriented Imagery

Date: July 28, 2020

Time:9:00 - 10:00 am PDT

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In this webinar, we will explore how to use ArcGIS GeoEvent Server with NVIDIA's DeepStream to build an enterprise-wide video analytics workflow, that is able to analyze massive amounts of real-time video surveillance feeds for deep traffic analytics. We will also cover how to build an end-to-end oriented imagery feature extraction pipeline using custom computer vision networks and ArcGIS for a variety of use cases such as road sign extraction, optical character recognition, and road condition classification.

Past GeoAI webinar on-demand recording links:

About the Author
Canserina Kurnia is a GIS professional with over 20 years of experience. She currently holds the position as a Senior Solution Engineer at Esri, at their headquarter office in Redlands, California. Her main role is to provide technical advices and assistance to universities globally, in advancing their GIS technology for teaching and research.