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The basics of ArcGIS Drone2Map for K12 school instruction

12-11-2023 10:07 AM
Esri Regular Contributor
4 4 1,448

ArcGIS Drone2Map Standard enables users to easily process overlapping nadir images from drones to create accurate 2D orthomosaics, digital surface models (DSMs), and digital terrain models (DTMs). These outputs, referred to as orthomapping products, integrate seamlessly into ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Enterprise, or ArcGIS Pro and provide great value due to their timeliness, resolution, and accuracy.

As of December 2023, what drone software is in the ArcGIS School bundle at no cost to school instruction?

Basic K12 Workflow

  • Plan and Capture data: Site Scan Flight LE
  • Download and Process: Drone2Map Standard
  • Advanced Processing: ArcGIS Pro
  • Share: Drone2Map >> ArcGIS Online as service layer or map

Begin your learning:

  1. Make sure that you have a login (a publisher account) in your schools ArcGIS Online organization. Your account needs to have a Publisher role or higher and must have permission to use the Drone2Map software.
  2. Download and install Drone2Map Standard.
  3. Take this “Getting started” class at Esri Academy. Your school ArcGIS Online credentials should allow you to enroll in the course at no cost.

This blog is intended to help get you started. Other links from Esri Academy or the Drone2Map Resource page are also available for advancing your learning.