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New learning resources update from Learn ArcGIS

02-28-2022 09:32 AM
Esri Contributor
2 1 404

Learn ArcGIS provides story-driven exercises and activities to solve real-world problems using ArcGIS. From early adopters to university students and faculty, GIS professionals to data scientists, government workers to individuals contributing to their local communities.

Since last Fall 2021, the Learn ArcGIS team released 29 new lessons, updated over 160 existing lessons, and released 1 new curriculum package (Health information Systems Modernization).



These new lessons cover a range of topics, such as How did COVID-19 impact traffic safety?, Investigate and share election results, Examine racial disparities in police stops, and Predict coral bleaching events in ArcGIS Online. For additional lessons, check out the Learn ArcGIS content library.

New Features!

  1. A request to add a new timestamp indicating the date each lesson was last reviewed and updated is now available.
  2. For all educational purposes, you are free to use, share, and adapt the Learn ArcGIS content with our creative commons. Please refer to our Terms of Use.

Coming Soon!

  1. The Learn ArcGIS team is in the process of working on the level of difficulty for lessons.
  2. Teach with GIS is undergoing a refresher as we work on building the content library.

To view our monthly Learn ArcGIS lesson releases, subscribe to our Learn ArcGIS Community.

If you have additional ideas for the Learn ArcGIS team, please share them in the Learn ArcGIS Community.

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