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New Guided Lessons based on Real-world Problems from Learn ArcGIS

01-27-2021 09:46 AM
Esri Contributor
1 0 1,223

“Learning by doing” is appealing because it directly links abstract concepts to concrete situations in the “real world”.  Learn ArcGIS is a collection of lessons designed around this principle, with many lessons focused on current events and social issues, such as climate, sustainable development, and the COVID-19 pandemic.

New lessons are added frequently.  Recent additions include several individual lessons (listed below) and a set of materials designed to support an introductory course on imagery and remote sensing.

New Learn ArcGIS Lessons

Learn how to create an urban model and use it for the redevelopment of a neighborhood in Amsterdam.

Learn how to create a NetCDF file from a point feature class and visualize it in 3D as a voxel layer in ArcGIS Pro.

Build plots and maps to support analysis of forecasted hospitalization and bed data in ArcGIS Insights.

Use link analysis to trace contacts as a virus spreads through a community.

A body of materials to aid the development of university-level curricula on the subject of Introduction to Imagery and Remote Sensing

About the Author
Esri Education Manager. Promoting value of Geo in learning and research to improve decision making. Firm believer that a map is worth a thousand words (at least). Midfielder. Chocolate fiend.