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Gain More Insight into Your Data with ArcGIS Insights - List of Resources

10-27-2022 08:38 PM
Esri Regular Contributor
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ArcGIS Insights  is analysis software that fuses location analytics with open data science and business intelligence workflows. It provides tools for geo-visualization and analytics to get a better understanding of your data.  

Following is list of resources for learning and incorporating ArcGIS Insights into your courses:

ArcGIS Insights Lab

Website full of even more links and information about using ArcGIS Insights, maintained by the Insights Dev Team

Webinar Recording

Gain more Insight through Spatial Data Science and Geovisual Analytics

Video Channels

Videos about ArcGIS Insights organized by topic.

Blog Channels

Blogs on ArcGIS Insights and location analytics organized by theme and topic

ArcGIS Insights Cookbook

Tricks, Hacks, and Short Cuts Written by the Insights Dev Team for particular scenarios, beginning to advance.

Example Insights Reports

Real-world examples of ArcGIS Insights reports.


For questions, or if you need assistance, or would like to connect,  feel free to contact Canserina Kurnia at

About the Author
Canserina Kurnia is a GIS professional with over 20 years of experience. She currently holds the position as a Senior Solution Engineer at Esri, at their headquarter office in Redlands, California. Her main role is to provide technical advices and assistance to universities globally, in advancing their GIS technology for teaching and research.