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Fun with GIS 297: Single Sign-on Rocks

10-04-2021 05:43 AM
Esri Alum
1 1 643

Want to boost use of GIS in your school or district? Go single sign-on (SSO), which works well with ArcGIS Online. Many schools and districts have implemented SSO. It simplifies administration, improves access for all, and lets teachers focus on teaching instead of account management.

For teachers who want to boost analytical thinking about complex situations, or understanding data, or engaging with community, or building more career options for the entire student body, GIS is hard to beat. Teachers who use GIS should lobby for inclusion within a school/district SSO. Point your technicians to the critical guidance.

If a district-wide SSO is in place, schools should look at centralizing their ArcGIS Online organizations. Depending on the size and operation of the district and desires for customization, it could be one Org for all, or one per hierarchical unit, or one per grade band. ArcGIS Hub allows schools to establish a unique presence within a district Org. Even if just at the school level, engaging SSO makes it easier for all who want to use ArcGIS Online.

But teachers cannot forego all decision-making about operations. Teachers need to ensure the necessary privileges and protections are in place -- neither locking things down so tightly that people can't engage the power of analysis or even creation, nor accepting all defaults as "good enough." The document "ArcGIS Online Orgs for K12 Schools" walks through important considerations. Managing the Org needs to be a collegial process.

For help deciding about your situation, contact the Esri K12 Education Team. And to see the impact, see this case study of a teacher who was a district tech.


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About the Author
** Esri Education Mgr, 1992-today ** Esri T3G staff, 2009-present ** Social Studies teacher, grades 7-12, 1977-1992 (St. Paul, MN) ** NCGE Distinguished Teacher Award 1991, George J Miller Award 2016 ** ** ** Only action based on education can save the world.