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Fun with GIS 285: Favorites

03-15-2021 04:23 AM
Esri Alum
0 0 1,568

Write an occasional blog long enough and you'll want to point people to past items. Looking over the last few years of "Fun with GIS" blogs, I decided to highlight some favorites by theme, and link them.


Oldies but Goodies

Fun with GIS# Title/Topic
20171030FWG 223: It's Elementary
20130422FWG 143: Mapping Field Data
20110926FWG 090: Table Time


License Management

YYYYMMDDFun with GIS# Title/Topic
20210228FWG 283: Student Data Privacy
20210201FWG 282: Esri Access
20200608FWG 270: ArcGIS School Bundle 2020
20200518FWG 268: GIS Club Kit
20200315FWG 263: School Disruption 2
20190422FWG 246: ArcGIS Online Admins
20180102FWG 227: Collaboration in ArcGIS Online
20161017FWG 204: Troubleshooting


In Support of Teaching

YYYYMMDDFun with GIS# Title/Topic
20210308FWG 284: Learning Without a Login
20210118FWG 281: US HS + MS Competition
20210111FWG 280: Teachers Teaching Teachers GIS (T3G)
20200928FWG 276: PolicyMaps for All
20200914FWG 275: Teaching with StoryMaps and Dashboards
20200831FWG 274: Minnesota Model
20200427FWG 266: Educating for Uncertainty
20200323FWG 264: Designing Learning Experiences
20200309FWG 262: When School is Disrupted
20200106FWG 257: The Power of Simplicity
20190715FWG 250: Shared Differences
20190107FWG 241: Do a Virtual Transect
20181203FWG 240: Teaching with GeoInquiries
20180212FWG 229: Presentation Power
20171019FWG 220: Apportionment
20170212FWG 209: Teaching with Story Maps Made by Others
20161114FWG 206: Community Round Mile


Exemplars of Teaching and Learning with GIS

YYYYMMDDFun with GIS# Title/Topic
20201020FWG 278: Remember Seventh Grade? (Nate Ebel)
20200511FWG 267: From Watts to Washington (Roxana Ayala)
20190909FWG 256: GIS Opened a Barn Door (Emma Long)
20190826FWG 253: Teaching Underground (Hans Bodenhamer)
20190819FWG 252: Integrating Science and CTE with GIS (D.Evans-Bye)
20190408FWG 245: Scott Freburg: Wave-Maker
20190325FWG 244: Student, Intern, Employee (Donovan)
20181126FWG 239: Teacher Profile: Lyn Malone
20181119FWG 238: Maptivists (MSTMA/RHS/LAUSD)
20180716FWG 235: Making a Difference (Ramirez & Im)
20180507FWG 233: Teacher Profile: Randy Raymond
20180409FWG 231: Teacher Profile: Erika Klose
20171023FWG 222: Innovate to Educate (Jason Smolinski, VGS)


Most of these are just as valuable today as when they were written. Evolution of conditions mean you will need to continue adapting, but it often helps to see with a longer timeline.

About the Author
** Esri Education Mgr, 1992-today ** Esri T3G staff, 2009-present ** Social Studies teacher, grades 7-12, 1977-1992 (St. Paul, MN) ** NCGE Distinguished Teacher Award 1991, George J Miller Award 2016 ** ** ** Only action based on education can save the world.