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Find the Esri K12 team at NSTA 2023 in Atlanta

01-25-2023 09:34 AM
Esri Regular Contributor
3 0 1,003

Be sure to drop by the Esri booth #1132 in the exhibits area at the 2023 Conference on Science Education in Atlanta, GA.  We’re in the middle of the hall, adjacent to the large “Birds of a Feather” area.   We’re looking forward to reconnecting after being away for the last four years. 

We’re also on the lookout for NSTA member presentations that include ArcGIS, like

  • Zakhia Grant’s “Mobilizing Student Changemakers through Data, Technology, and Student Innovation” (Friday, March 24, 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM)
  • Lacey Huffling’s talk on “How Earth’s Water is a Community Well: Using ArcGIS Storymaps and Citizen Science to Make a Case” (Saturday, March 25, 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM).

Search for more session at NSTA.

Esri also plans to offer three free vendor workshops. Day and times will be added to this blog, when available.

  • Using PASCO Sensors to collect data for ArcGIS Maps - Join Esri as we demonstrate how to use data sensors from PASCO to collect and push data into ArcGIS Online mapping software. Among other measures, we will assess ground-level CO2 and correlate it to temperature in a map display. We will also analyze the mapped data. ArcGIS Online is free to K-12 classroom instructional use, globally.
  • Creating great stories and portfolios using ArcGIS StoryMaps - StoryMaps allow students to combine text, photos, videos, audio, and maps into a coherent story for communicating research or findings of a study. Join the Esri education team as we explore creating storymaps in the classroom. StoryMaps are a part of the ArcGIS School Bundle, free for K12 classroom instruction.
  • Making powerful maps with professional or  student-collected data - Join Esri as we demonstrate how to build powerful, analytical maps using ArcGIS Online. We will use scientific data from the Living Atlas and data created during the workshop using Survey123 – and map it all. Analysis tools will be demonstrated. ArcGIS Online is free from Esri for K12 classroom instruction.

Workshops times are slated for Saturday, March 25, 2023:
* 9-10 am
* 10:20-11:20 am
* 1:20 – 2:20 pm

If you have questions about Esri at NSTA 2023, please email .