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Creator to GIS Professional Advanced User Type – for Education users

09-03-2019 11:37 AM
Esri Regular Contributor
6 21 10.2K

Fellow Educators:

ArcGIS Online User Types have been in use for some time now as a way of providing apps and privileges to ArcGIS users. The Creator User Type has been available for Education program licenses.  

With recent updates to the Education Institution Agreements, the GIS Professional Advanced Use Type was added as the default option, versus Creator. GIS Professional Advanced User type differs from the Creator User type in the fact that it provides ArcGIS Pro Advanced licensing.

Everyone who has migrated to the new Institution Agreement (and has the GIS Professional Advanced user type as an option):

  •        Please switch all ArcGIS Online users to GIS Professional Advanced User Type. Instructions are listed here and this video demonstrates the process. Further info is below.
  •        If you do not assign GIS Professional Advanced User Type licenses, you will likely get a message “The number of user types and licenses assigned exceeds the number available”. The reason for this message is that users are now all GIS professional User Type licenses instead of Creator, while you may have Creator User Type licenses assigned.  

Please ensure that you utilize the New Member Defaults to auto-provision licensing for new users, preferably with Enterprise Logins (SSO). Note that the GIS Professional User type does NOT include all ArcGIS Pro extensions. When you set your add-on licensing on New Member Defaults, please note that you will have to add the extensions (and not ArcGIS Pro, since it is now part of the user type). Extensions count as one of the 5 add-on apps.

Note: If you have any ArcGIS Pro licenses who have been taken for "offline use", they will have to be recovered prior to making the switch from Creator to GIS Professional User type (for those specific users with offline licenses). All other users can be converted. We generally encourage administrators to "disable" taking ArcGIS Pro offline: Organization>Licenses>"Prevent Members from Taking ArcGIS Pro Offline".

How to Change User types – documentation here:

  1.       Login as an Administrator – Organization>Members tab.
  2.       On the left, filter by User Type – Creator.
  3.       Ensure that you are showing 100 members per page (maximum default currently), bottom right.
  4.       Check the box to in the upper Left to select all Members.
  5.       In the Upper Right, Manage User Types.
  6.       Select GIS Professional Advanced and Save.
  7.       Maintain the selection and click Manage add-on licenses in the Upper Right and enable ArcGIS Pro extensions, then click Save.

Changing User Types also can be done in an efficient manner via an ArcGIS API for Python script.

Further feedback is welcome!