ArcGIS User Type Updates - What This Means for Education Customers

05-18-2024 04:09 AM
Esri Regular Contributor
6 15 4,214

Education Colleagues:

You have likely received communication about updates to User Types being implemented at the June 2024 release of ArcGIS Online for all Esri customers. We want to provide further information specific to Education.

What the upcoming changes are:

The capabilities of ArcGIS are accessed through multiple products, apps, extensions, and add-ons—all with varying levels of licensing and entitlements. Access to those licenses and entitlements is provided through an ArcGIS user account. Each user account has a “user type” that defines some of the privileges of that account.

Effective June 2024, Esri is updating the user type model to simplify access and administration of capabilities and apps.   

See 2023-to-2024-arcgis-user-type-comparison-matrix and website for additional information.

What this means for Education customers:  

Customers with Education licenses (Education Institution Agreements, Education Departmental Agreements, ArcGIS for Schools, ArcGIS for Student Use, and Research Institute Agreements) who currently have the “GIS Professional Advanced” user type, will receive the corresponding “Professional Plus” user type.

The Professional Plus user type includes all the existing capabilities of the GIS Professional Advanced user type and adds even more – no capabilities will be taken away. Several ArcGIS Pro extensions and apps that were previously managed as separate licenses will now be included in the Professional Plus user type, simplifying administration by reducing the number of additional licenses to assign.    

The update will be automatic and seamless, i.e. it will take place during the ArcGIS Online update in June 2024, and there will not be any action Education customers will need to do for the actual user type update.

What Education Customers will need to do:

As part of the Best Practices for managing ArcGIS, we have been recommending that GIS administrators enable new users with all available apps and capabilities, which removes barriers and eliminates manual administration. We suggest you continue with this approach of assigning all available products to all students, faculty, and staff.

With this user type update,  more capabilities and apps will be part of the user type, reducing the additional licenses assigned that need to be assigned through New Member Defaults. Therefore, once the update takes place, you will need to update your New Member Defaults to change Add-on licenses that you assign.

  • The following licenses are now part of the Professional Plus user type, hence will not need to be assigned as Add-on licenses.
    • ArcGIS Image for ArcGIS Online
    • ArcGIS City Engine
    • Several ArcGIS Pro extensions
      • 3D Analyst
      • Data Reviewer
      • Geostatistical Analyst
      • Image Analyst
      • LocateXT
      • Network Analyst
      • Publisher
      • Spatial Analyst
      • ArcGIS Workflow Manager
    • See this matrics for Summary of new additions

Any other additional licenses currently included in your New Member Defaults can remain, with the exception of ArcGIS Community Analyst and ArcGIS GeoPlanner (these products will be removed from Education Program offerings in advance of their retirement).

  • For customers with an Education Institution Agreement, here are the licenses that will remain part of the New Member Defaults:
    • ArcGIS Business Analyst Web and Mobile apps
    • ArcGIS Drone2Map Standard
    • ArcGIS Insights
    • ArcGIS Urban
    • ArcGIS Location Sharing
    • Esri Redistricting
    • ArcGIS Data Interoperability
    • ArcGIS Pro extensions
      • Aviation Airports
      • Aviation Charting
      • Bathymetry
      • Maritime
      • Defense Mapping
      • Production Mapping
      • Pipeline Reference
      • Roads and Highways

For the add-on licenses that are now part of the user type, you will see a notification stating, "Some members have licenses assigned twice." This notification indicates that due to the user type update, some users have licenses assigned under the updated user type and the add-on license from the previous license model. You have two options: 

  • Reconcile this duplication by clicking "Unassign duplicate add-on license."  

Unassigning duplicate licenses will remove the add-on licenses under the previous license model, retaining only the licenses from the newly updated user types. This action will not disrupt your current workflow.

  • Take no action and maintain the duplication until your next subscription renewal. 

Nothing will happen; the duplication of licenses persists and has no impact on current workflows. The notification will continue to be displayed until you renew your subscription. 

Additional Notes:

  • For Administrative/Operational use, there is an ability to purchase Mobile Worker user type. The Mobile Worker user type retains its existing capabilities, including access to field apps, therefore, no changes will be needed.
  • ArcGIS Pro licenses which have been taken offline will not be affected.
  • ArcGIS Enterprise customers will see similar user type update upon upgrading to ArcGIS Enterprise 11.4 (expected November 2024).


For Education customers, this user type configuration change means that more licenses are assigned by default with the Professional Plus User type, which ultimately means less administrative burden of assigning additional Add-On licenses. If you have assigned New Member Defaults as part of our recommended Best Practices for managing ArcGIS, we recommend to update New Member Defaults to change Add-on licenses that you assign. For individual names users who now have duplicate licenses, especially for large organizations with many users, we recommend taking no action, as the duplication will be resolved during next renewal. 

Please post any questions here, reach out to your Account Manager or email

MVP Regular Contributor

I am curious as to what will happen for the ArcGIS Pro extensions listed below, which I believe continue to be part of the Education Institution Agreement. Will they also become part of the Professional Plus user type, or we will simply continue assigning them to all users as Add-on licenses under ArcGIS Pro extensions via New Member Defaults?

  • Business Analyst

  • Location Referencing

  • StreetMap Premium North America

Also, Data Interoperability is currently a Pro Extension we manage as such in New Member Defaults. It looks like it might become its own product, as it is listed outside of the Pro extensions in the second list? Does that imply how it is assigned in New Member Defaults will change from being a Pro extension to being on its own as an Add-on license, and we will need to assign that new license to all existing users, as well as updating New Member Defaults?

Thanks for the guidance!

Frequent Contributor

I was just wondering if it was possible to confirm the day in June for the updates! Will this be on June 1st?

The last time we had user type updates, it required a manual update for all the users (it did not automatically update) - which is okay, however we didn't know this last time and it ended up locking out all of our users temporarily (followed up by a very panicked call to tech support). 

If we have to bulk update users to the new user types, that is okay and very easy to do! We'll just need to plan for the day so avoid locking out our summer research groups.

Thank you for the help!

Esri Regular Contributor

@SaraJL Actual release date is June 13. And you will not have to update user types manually.

Frequent Contributor

@GeriMiller Excellent! Thank you!

Esri Regular Contributor

@SaraJL To be precise, as of now, the release goes live during the evening/night of June 12, so you/your users will not see the changes until the morning of 13th. 

Esri Regular Contributor


Here are answers to your question: (Will they also become part of the Professional Plus user type, or we will simply continue assigning them to all users as Add-on licenses under ArcGIS Pro extensions via New Member Defaults?)

  • Business Analyst - will not become part of the user type, you will continue to assign it as an Add-on license. 

  • Location Referencing - will not become part of the user type, you will continue to assign it as an Add-on license. 

  • StreetMap Premium North America - will not become part of the user type, you will continue to assign it as an Add-on license. 

Also, Data Interoperability is currently a Pro Extension we manage as such in New Member Defaults. It looks like it might become its own product, as it is listed outside of the Pro extensions in the second list? Does that imply how it is assigned in New Member Defaults will change from being a Pro extension to being on its own as an Add-on license, and we will need to assign that new license to all existing users, as well as updating New Member Defaults? This will be an Add-on license that would need to be assigned.

Emerging Contributor

@GeriMiller Can you clarify the timeline for removing Community Analyst and GeoPlanner from education programs? The deprecation notice for Community Analyst published in April indicates that functionality is being developed to enable the export of project content from Community Analyst into Business Analyst Web App and is expected to be complete by December 1, 2024. And it states that this migration should happen after December 1, 2024 for customers who want to transfer project content into Business Analyst Web App. Will that content migration still be possible after December 1 if education customers are losing access to Community Analyst before then?

I don't have a sense of how much Community Analyst is used at our institution, but it would be good if we had sufficient time to allow those users to follow the expected migration process described in the deprecation notice.

Frequent Contributor

Just a heads up to anyone who has the updates for this morning! 

It was able to automatically update the roles - but there is a warning message about users having licenses double assigned.


It looks like it's all the members of the organization are registering as having double assigned licenses. If click on Unassign duplicate add-on licenses > and then click on Unassign duplicate licenses:


The window thinks for a minute, but doesn't make any updates. I have refreshed the browser, but the notification doesn't seem to  update the license add-ons.

Is anyone else experiencing this issue? If you are, let me know how you were able to resolve it! (I'm trying to avoid having to update licenses manually for 921 users.....)


MVP Regular Contributor

@SaraJL, based on the information in the original post in this thread,

  • Take no action and maintain the duplication until your next subscription renewal. 

Nothing will happen; the duplication of licenses persists and has no impact on current workflows. The notification will continue to be displayed until you renew your subscription. 

I am opting to ignore the warning notification, as I don't plan to navigate the pages and click on the "Unassign duplicate licenses" button 5,211 times for our organization 🙂 




Regular Contributor

@SaraJL The screen shot you show is what I see when I click on the warning. But if you go to the license tab and click on the "Add-On licenses" you can click on a specific extension to un-assign all at once. For example, Image Analyst is now included in the Professional Plus user type. If I click on Image Analyst, filter to "only show members assigned this license" it shows a list of all the double assigned users. Click on "Manage all on page" and accept the notice on the bottom of the screen that says "Unassgin ## members?"  This gets rid of the the duplicates. I plan on doing this to the handful of duplicate extensions that are now included in the new user type. It's especially easy for us because we only have one user type.

And of course like folks have mentioned, it doesn't seem to cause any issues. I hope this helps!

Beth Zizzamia (she/her/hers)

GIS Operations Manager

Spatial Analysis Lab


University of Richmond 

Department of Geography, Environment and Sustainability

300 Carole Weinstein International Center

Zoom Meeting Room


MVP Regular Contributor

As a follow-up to the change in User Types, should we expect our ArcGIS Hub organizations to also have Creator replaced by Professional Plus at some point, or will Creator remain the only role available for education Hub orgs going forward? Thanks!

Frequent Contributor

Our subscription has renewed and now shows a September 2025 renewal date, but the duplicate licenses warning popup has persisted.

Like @PeterKnoop , I'm not crazy about having to unassign a dozen or so add-on licenses for thousands of users, even if I can do 20 users at a time (there is no option to display more users per page).

Esri Regular Contributor


Question:  As a follow-up to the change in User Types, should we expect our ArcGIS Hub organizations to also have Creator replaced by Professional Plus at some point, or will Creator remain the only role available for education Hub orgs going forward? Thanks!

Hi Peter, 

Are you referring to ArcGIS Hub Community organizations?  This will remind as Creator user type since  this organization is intended for managing community, not for production.   All the Hub "parent" organizations should already have the Professional Plus user type.   

Hope this helps.  

MVP Regular Contributor

@CanserinaKurnia yes, I was referring to ArcGIS Hub Community organizations.

Can you expand on what you mean by "not for production"?

We are using one of our ArcGIS Hub Community organizations for what we would consider production work. It is supporting a number of hub activities/communities at the university. Does the licensing not cover that?

We have a second ArcGIS Hub Community organization that we use for development work. It is paired with a different ArcGIS Online parent organization that is is also intended for development. Both of those are separate from our production environment organizations.

Esri Regular Contributor

Hi @PeterKnoop 

What I mean with "not for production" is more on "not for system of records".    

Based on the description of how you use of your ArcGIS Hub Community orgs, it is within the appropriate use cases.