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Highlights from Developer Summit 2019

04-12-2019 10:53 AM
Esri Community Manager
2 1 1,697

We had another successful Developer Summit last month in Palm Springs. Here are a few highlights from the conference.


Lightning Talks

On Monday, we hosted Lightning Talks, where our users got to share five minutes' worth of solid developer gold! The following were our speakers during the event.





Ashley Snyder

Utilities Mapping Technician III

Manatee County Government

Using Python to Predict Impacts of Storm Inundation on Sanitary Sewer Structures

Andry Rajaoberison

Master of Environmental Management Candidate

Yale University – School of Forestry & Environmental Studies

In-class Use of ArcGIS Online and Seawall Toolbox

Laura Emerson

MGIS Student

Pennsylvania State University

Extending an ArcGIS solution

 Special thanks to Laura for highlighting Robert Scheitlin's Custom Web Appbuilder Widgets list in GeoNet.

Priyatna Kusuma

IT Development Leader

Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency (BMKG)

Developing Mobile Application: Weather-based route prediction

Jeff Gawrych



IBM-The Weather Company Data and Esri Use Industry Cases

Liam Lyle

GIST Major


Campus 3D GIS: An Automated
Multi-Source Fusion Approach

Jinwoo Park

PhD Student


An Automated Indoor Network Extraction from Building Information Model

Edgar Hernandez

Software Application Developer I


Integrating ArcGIS JS API with Angular 2+


On Tuesday, over in the Santa Rosa/San Jacinto room, we hosted our SpeedGeeking event. In a little over an hour, our users are invited to listen to 17 different developers present on topics ranging from cartography to 3D. The presenters only present for five minutes and after the buzzer goes off, the users can move to another station and hear a brand-new five-minute presentation on a new topic! We had over one hundred attendees who came by to enjoy each of the talks. Here is what they enjoyed:



Ken Field

All of Cartography in 300 Seconds

Derrick Burke

Scripting Your ArcGIS Enterprise Deployment in AWS

Morten Nielsen

From .NET Framework to .NET Core - The Future of .NET on Windows

Mara Stoica

Customizing the Open Source Data Collection App

Bojan Savric

The Equal Earth projection

George Bochenek

Serverless Python

Julie Powell

Handy JS API Techniques and Goodies that You May Have Overlooked

Melita Kennedy

Goodbye, NAD83! Hello, NATRF2022!

Ryan Libed

Screenshots with the ArcGIS API for JavaScript & HTML2Canvas

Tamrat Belayneh

I3S – An Open Standard to Bring 3D to Web, Desktop and Mobile Platforms

Tommy Fauvell

Vector Tile Payload Analysis

Nakul Manocha

Learn about ArcGIS Companion

Forrest Collins

Story Maps in Augmented Reality

Nick Wisehart

Coding for Accessibility

Sean Morrish

Creating, Publishing & Curating I3S Scene Layers

Aaron Pulver

Strategies for Building and Testing Battery-efficient Mobile Apps

Tim Duggan

Using Donut Polygons to Create a Masked Extent Effect

User Presentations

The For Developers, By Developers design of DevSummit implies that we're all bringing our work and ideas together, in a four-day, two-way conversation, learning from one another at the largest geospatial developer community event in the world. On Wednesday and Thursday, we had 25 presenters of technical talks, sharing with others their work, techniques, and lessons learned, helping make us all better, and inspiring us all to implement these ideas that not all of us may have known before.  


Thank you to those who attended and participated, as well as those who followed along virtually.  We invite you to share your experiences and what you learned during the week in the comments below.


We hope to see you in Palm Springs in 2020!


Additional Resources:

You can find presentations and videos on YouTube here.

And for more info and updates check out the GeoNet DevSummit Space and the Esri Developer Summit Twitter page and the Proceedings page.

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About the Author
My role at Esri is the Manager of Community Experience and Programs. As the manager of the community experience team, I support, guide, and help our community managers and am focused on programs to continue growth and enhancement of our community. Outside of work I love the outdoors (in all seasons). You can typically find me skiing, hiking, biking, kayaking, or curled up with a good book.