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Esri Community Team

It was a blast connecting and collaborating with you at DevSummit 2017! To wrap up our daily updates, here's the fourth and final recap. 

After an intense and well contested tournament during the Thursday night party, the Sitting Ducks, for the second straight year, reigned supreme as the defending DevSummit dodgeball champions. Congrats to the Sitting Ducks and thanks to all the other teams who competed. You put on a fine show! 

During the Friday closing session, a collection of fun and interesting weekly stats and facts were shared. Amazing what can be produced in just 6 days. And we're still wondering what sorghum is. 

Then the Esri development team sat down to answer questions that were submitted through social media and onsite videos during the week. The questions covered topics ranging from specific feature enhancements and the ArcGIS platform roadmap to learning how the Esri Dev team works and what inspires them to keep growing, learning and developing their craft. 

If you missed any of the other updates, you can check them out below including the YouTube video playlist from the plenary and keynote presentation.  


So much happened and we couldn't get to it all, so we invite you to continue the discussion and share what you learned in the group. Thanks to everyone for joining us and sharing your experiences on social media and here on GeoNet. You really made it another memorable and meaningful week! 

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Esri Community Team

Community Member Connection #2

The connections and conversations with community members continue to be a highlight this week! This morning and afternoon I had the pleasure of connecting with smcshinsky‌ and Tapas_Das who's contributions have been a big help in the‌ and other groups. We chatted about what they've been learning this week, what GIS and dev projects they're working on and how GeoNet's been inspiring them to move forward in their work. Good luck on the projects and thanks, guys! Always nice to hear how the community is helping you work better and come up with new ideas. 

It's a bot that time

From there it was time to check out the "Using Voice Recognition and Chatbots to make Navigation Better" session. Chatbots are a hot topic and Christopher Marovec took us through this personal dev journey and quest to better understand how building code, bots and Artificial Intelligence came together during this complex project. He admitted that he didn't get as far as he wanted to for this talk but that didn't stop him from sharing valuable insight and leaving us with lots of great takeaways. I really appreciated the fluidness of the session and how Chris took us step by step through his thought process. As Chris highlighted, his the presentation of his project was fantastic example and good reminder of how developers can strive to "work out loud" with each other and encourage the openness of how they solved problems or what they get stuck on and why. 

Got your buttons yet?

Then it was time to check in on the always popular conference button situation. Well, they're going fast and it looks like the most popular are the Python and Javascript buttons. Did you get your button swag yet? Which do you like the most this year?  I also think we need to consider adding a GeoNet button to the mix. What do you think? 

What's happening on the Esri showcase?

Strolling through the Esri Showcase and expo area is always an inspiring time. There's a collaborative buzz as users are at the stations asking questions and Esri staff are right there answering questions and sharing deep dive demos on how the new platform features can provide solutions and new ways of working. I especially love walking by and seeing working sessions like these and overhearing discussions as real problems and solutions are worked out here at DevSummit. Great stuff! What did you learn in the showcase floor? What new discoveries did you make?

Then it was time to dive more into the dynamics of how to effectively lead development teams as Daniel_Lewis-esristaff‌ took us through "Team Driven Development: The Art of failing, Succeeding and Reflecting as a Team."  Daniel openly shared what he's learned over the last 20 years of being a developer and how he's grown into a team leader.  I really enjoyed how Daniel shared the inner workings of his team and what some of their actual process are related to QA and Team Driven Development (pics below), and how they actually get work done day to day. What questions do you have about leading dev teams? What's worked for you? 

And that's a wrap for the sessions highlights today! We can't cover it all, so let us know what you learned today. Of course, there's still the dodgeball tournament coming up tonight. So check back for some picture and highlights from the fun and festivities. Thanks for following along and we look forward to seeing what you learned this week. 

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Esri Community Team



Here we go with Day Two of DevSummit! Loved starting the day reading the inspiring work shared on the Science of Where wall. So let us know below...what are you working on? What does The Science of Where mean to you? Thanks for sharing and have a great Day Two! 



Time for the keynote featuring: Todd Greene, Cofounder and CEO of PubNub, sharing what he's learned through his work and where dev is heading. Great talk! Here's some highlights.  What did you like? What did you learn?

Update: Check out the full video below:

This video is currently being processed. Please try again in a few minutes.
(view in My Videos)

  • Todd doesn't wear a suit jacket when he codes.
  • PubNub key stats: Over... 1.8 trillion monthly transactions, 330 million unique monthly devices, 15+ data centers
  • The streaming web is an emerging trend
  • The Hollywood Operating System (HOS) has been setting expectation for decades
  • We must find ways to solve the Yummy Soda data Conundrum
  • Remember South Park's Gnomes Underpants business model? Learn from it. Don't follow it.  
  • "To handle future state: app logic must be distributed everywhere"  
  • What's coming..? -> Esri blocks: routing, Base maps, GeoEnrichment 


That's a wrap for the keynote! Enjoy the rest of your day and check back for more updates. Drop a comment below to say hello and let us know what you're learning. Thanks for sharing! 


The Code was alive and thriving this afternoon. Here's a few highlights as I cruised through the sessions and spent time connecting with GeoNet Community members. (Special thanks to Carol Sousa, Mohand KETTOUCHEmcygan-esristaff‌ and gletham_geojobe for sharing the photos on social media. We appreciate you allowing us to feature them here.)

The Applications Prototype Lab team shared some insightfully green presidential quotes and complex "Betweenness Centrality" code equations to kick off and then dove into sharing the works they've been doing building applications that support the Green Infrastructure project. 



During the ArcGIS Python API session, a packed Primerose room followed along as AMani-esristaff and rsingh-esristaff on the Esri team answered the all-important "What can it do for you?" question and demoed real-time scenarios. Got more questions? Check out what other users are saying and experiencing in the‌ group. 


Then it was time for another fantastic meet-up chat with GeoNet Community member, rscheitlin‌. We talked about his dev background, the community roadmap and the future of the gamification and points system within GeoNet, of which Robert has reached the highest level.  If you're not already, you should follow Robert. Like other top Geonet members, he graciously shares his GIS and dev knowledge to help others solve problems and work better making him a perfect example of how to contribute and connect others within the community. 



In case you missed it, throughout the day, our Esri social media shared a nice collection of videos celebrating International Women's Day. Check them out here and here.

And that's a wrap for today! We couldn't get to it all, so tell us what you loved and learned the most today in the comments below. Thanks for sharing the day with us!


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Esri Community Team

We're excited to announce that next week we'll be onsite at the Developer Summit 2017 conference in Palm Springs, CA.  During the week we'll be live blogging, sharing updates and starting collaborative session conversations here in the Developer Summit space and other groups throughout the GeoNet community.  (Make sure to click "follow" in the top right corner of the DevSummit space overview page to get the updates.)


Whether you're attending the event or following along virtually, we invite you to join the DevSummit conversation on GeoNet. What topics, sessions and conference events are you most excited about? 


Thanks for joining and we look forward to seeing you and your contributions!    

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