Warning for duplicate entry

07-01-2023 12:08 PM
New Contributor

Question: is there a way to warn the user if the entered record has a duplicate field value to confirm it before saving?


Im setting up a project mapping tool using ArcGIS Experience Builder.

The purpose of it is to log project locations on a map.

Im using Feature Layer hosted online with a group of ArcGIS users who enters projects to the map with associated attributes.

Im trying to eliminate users to use duplicate project numbers unintentionally. A project number is a sequential number so if someone entered x for the project number, I would like the next project to be entered x+1.

From what I read there is no way to repopulate the default value for the record on ArcGIS Online.

So I added a dynamic text field suggesting the next Project number based on the max value in the field plus one.

Thank you for any help!


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