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FeatureSetById not working as expected

08-11-2020 05:52 AM
Occasional Contributor


I got a FeatureServer with 1 layer and 1 table.

Im trying to create a popup on a webmap, the popup should display some data from the table, but the result is not as i expected. To figure out the issue, im using the following code

var all =FeatureSetById($map, "TrafoContainer_5842")
console("countAll: "+count(all))
console("TypeAll: "+TypeOf(all))

var tt = top(all,10)
console("TypeTT: "+TypeOf(tt))
console("countTT: "+count(tt))
var fst = First(all)
console("TypeFirst: "+TypeOf(fst))


In the console the following is printed

countAll: 15633 <---- This matches the number of features in the table 
TypeAll: FeatureSet <---- Looking good 
TypeTT: FeatureSet <---- Still happy 
countTT: 0 <-----Oh no  I would have expected 10 
TypeFirst: <------

Any ideas on what is wrong?
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7 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi leon oestergaard ,

There is something strange going on in your case. I just used your code in the playground (ArcGIS Arcade | ArcGIS for Developers ) using one of the available layers and it works just fine:

Occasional Contributor

Hi Xander Bakker

Thank you for your reply.

Can you confirm that "Parcels_And_buildings_3838" is a table?

The feature service I'm using consists of a layer and a table. If I query the layer using the same arcade script it works fine.

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi leon oestergaard ,

Thanks for clarifying. The layer I used is not a table. I will test against a table and post back the result.

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi ,

Just did a test on a table and it still works.

Is the data a hosted feature layer and table in ArcGIS Online? If so, could you share this data with me? You can create a group, share the data inside that group and invite me using my AGOL account "xbakker.spx".

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Occasional Contributor

Hi Xander Bakker

Its on our entreprise installation. Ive just tried a table from another service, and it works perfect. Guess we will have look at the table for that specific service. Thank you for the help

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi ,

It makes sense that it might be data-related. Please post back if you find a reason.

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Occasional Contributor

Hi Xander Bakker

We tried to removed all attributes from the table except objectid and globalid, the it worked, after re-adding the attributes it stil works. So the service might have been in some undefineable state