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Does desktop 10.4.1 support arcade?

09-28-2017 05:42 AM
Regular Contributor

At what desktop version did arcade support begin? This doesn't seem to be an easy answer to find. The arcade site certainly doesn't tell you.

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4 Replies
MVP Emeritus

My guess is no (although I have not tried it myself).  In the Getting Started section:

. Arcade was designed specifically for creating custom visualizations and labeling expressions in the ArcGIS Platform. It allows users to write, share, and execute custom expressions in ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Runtime, ArcGIS Online, and the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.

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ArcGIS Arcade | ArcGIS for Developers      

"Arcade is an expression language that can be used across the ArcGIS Platform."

Isn't  ArcGIS Dekstop part of the platform? 

Getting Started | ArcGIS for Developers   

"Arcade is used throughout the ArcGIS Platform to provide a portable mechanism for defining and sharing expressions. These expressions will run in the Desktop, on the Web, or on mobile devices."

So does Desktop mean Pro? Or ArcGIS Desktop (or is it ArcGIS for Desktop)? What's it called this release?. I can't figure it out since I can't easily find any mention of desktop on the ESRI site.

Can anyone from @ESRI get the semantics straight here?

MVP Emeritus

I totally agree that is seems like it should include ArcMap too, especially since ArcGIS Desktop  page says

Let professional grade software do your heavy lifting. The two primary desktop applications for GIS professionals are ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro, and both are part of ArcGIS Desktop.

I can't keep track of the name changes either, so I'll be curious to find out the answer to your question too.  (actually, I thought arccade was for ArcGIS Online I was actually surprised that to see the others listed...shows you what I know.).

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Looks like we'r calling it ArcMap again, for now! Thanks!