I apologize, I'm not very good with scripting/coding. I'm trying to calculate an address point's parcel ID from an intersecting parcel using this short script:
var fsParcel = FeatureSetByName($datastore, "ParcelBoundaries", ["Parcel_Number"])
var fsParcelIntersect = Intersects(fsparcel, $feature)
var ParcelID = First(fsParcelIntersect)
return ParcelID.Parcel_Number
However, when I try to run it against 61 address points, they all come out with the same parcel ID. I have a feeling it might have to do with the varParcelID using the First function, but I'm not sure.
Can anyone help?
You should try running the intersect on the point feature buffer geometry:
var fsParcelIntersect = Intersects(fsparcel, Buffer($feature, 1, "meter"));