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Time enabled rasters not showing with time slider

01-17-2011 11:05 AM
Frequent Contributor
I have a mosaic dataset (table screen-shot attached) that I cannot view with the time slider. In my table AcquisitionDate is a string field and AcquisitionDate_DATE is the date field created by the Convert Time Field tool.

When I enable time on my layer and point the time slider to AcquisitionDate, the slider is enabled with the correct range of dates, but the images disappear from my map and then do not fade in and out as I slide the control back and forth. When I disable time on the layer, all of the images are drawn again.

When I point the slider to AcquisitionDate_DATE, the slider becomes disabled and I simply cannot access any part of it.
4 Replies
Deactivated User
I have a mosaic dataset (table screen-shot attached) that I cannot view with the time slider. In my table AcquisitionDate is a string field and AcquisitionDate_DATE is the date field created by the Convert Time Field tool.

When I enable time on my layer and point the time slider to AcquisitionDate, the slider is enabled with the correct range of dates, but the images disappear from my map and then do not fade in and out as I slide the control back and forth. When I disable time on the layer, all of the images are drawn again.

When I point the slider to AcquisitionDate_DATE, the slider becomes disabled and I simply cannot access any part of it.

Did you ever receive any help with the above issue as I'm having the same trouble.

I can use the time slider tool with both raster data and vector data (created using a Make Query Table join between features and temporal data) that is maintained in a file geodatabase on a local drive.

However, when I try to use exactly the same data maintained in ArcSDE the time slider appears to work but no data is actually displayed.  The data for individual time steps can be displayed using a definition query but it is never displayed dynamically by the time slider control.

Best wishes, Simon.
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Deactivated User
Ugg, I'm having the same issue...

Are you guys using landsat imagery as well?
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Deactivated User
Hi Stephen

No, I wasn't using Landsat or any other remotely sensed data.

I was trying to use model output data that I had organised both as raster datasets (maintained in raster catalogs) and as vector polygons linked to a table containing the daily data.

I could get the time slider to work with the data stored ina file geodatabase, but not when the data were stored in ArcSDE.

Best wishes, Simon.
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New Contributor
Anyone made any progress with this?

I've got a raster mosaic - when I create it manually through catalogue/arcmap it works fine - but as soon as i replicate it in model builder I get nothing when I press "enable time on map" - the imagery disappears!
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