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The specified coordinate exceeds the valid coordinate range Feature Class to SDE

01-20-2012 01:09 AM
Emerging Contributor
I have aproblem with exporting a feature class to SDE

the error reports

The specified coordinate exceeds the valid coordinate range

Is there a work around to get teh feature class into SDE correctly?

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6 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor
There's only two cases where you'll get that message:
1) Coordinate data outside the legitimate bounds of the defined projection
2) Incorrect coordinate reference configuration

The work-around is determine which case you've encountered (though I suppose both
could be true), and make the appropriate correction.

What version(s) of ArcGIS & ArcSDE software are you using?  This used to be a frequent
problem before HIGH precision coordinate references were incorporated into ArcGIS at 9.2,
but now ArcGIS chooses a standard coordinate reference by projection that safely
represents the horizon of every possible value in that projection, with 0.1mm resolution
(which is overkill, but I won't go there).

It's quite possible that your feature class has incorrect projection metadata.  You'd have
to post the bounding box coordinates on your shapefile/geodatabase data and the output
of 'sdelayer -o describe_long' on the target layer for us to help you determine that.

- V
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Emerging Contributor
We use ARGIS10 and ARC SDE 9.3.1.

If thats any help

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Esri Esteemed Contributor
If you're using a modern ArcGIS like 10.0, than the problem probably relates to
incorrect projection metadata on the layer.  You'll need to provide the projection
metadata from the File Geodatabase, as well as the actual coordinate range (X/Y
envelope) and ArcSDE layer properties (as reported by 'sdelayer -o describe_long').

- V
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New Contributor

I have a similar issue with some SDE Feature classes in ArcGIS 10.1. How does one fix incorrect projection metadata?

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

You can't "fix" metadata in situ -- you need to drop the table, correct the root problem in the source data, then recreate the feature class (with the correct parameters).  As with the previous poster, you'd need to provide detailed information about the data in order to get further assistance:

  • Projection metadata from the source
  • 'sdelayer -o describe_long' output for the table

- V

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New Contributor

Thanks Vince. I figured out that it was the ArcGIS 10.1 SP1 Quality Improvement Patch causing this. It's strange since the database I am accessing is SQLServer and shouldn't be affected by the issues affecting the Oracle Databases.

ArcGIS 10.1 SP1 for (Desktop, Engine, Server) Quality Improvement Patch | Samples and Utilities

Once I went back to an un-patched installation, everything seems fine.

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