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Need help in conversion CAD in GEodatabase

03-06-2014 03:48 AM
Deactivated User
I am new to GIS. i have a AutoCad file which needs to be converted in GeoDatabase. This CAD file dont have spatial reference.i tried converting this CAD file in geodatabase by "CAD to Geodatabase" tool.
I have few question
1. Any other way for conversion from CAD to Geodatabase
2. The Output are in annotation,point,Polyline,polygon,multipatch. my requirment needs data only in point,line,polygon. Any suggestion.
3. How to georeference the Converted Geodatabase to ESRI online basemaps

Thanks in advance.
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4 Replies
Frequent Contributor
Was the drawing created using a coordinate system? If so, you can assign the coordinate system in ArcCatalog using the General tab under properties, and edit the spatial reference.

If not, you'll have to georeference the drawing using the georeferencing tool. Type "georeferencing CAD datasets" into the help window, that will get you started.
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Honored Contributor
find some locations in your CAD drawing that can be located in the real world.  best case scenario would be sections.

Go to those sections in ArcGIS.  Add the DWG and use the georefrencing toolbar to georeference it to the sections

IF you don't know how to do that and are decent with CAD

In the CAD drawing create a POINT at a known 2 locations that you can find in the real world.  Section corners would be best.

Go to the Sections in ArcGIS and create those same points.  Export your sections and the points as shapefiles and import them into your CAD drawing.  Lock The sections and Point.  hint, import the sections as closed polylines and not has hatched polygons.

You want to lock them so they don't move.

now do Zoom Extents.  Your DWG and the sections will probably be tiny little points somewhere.  Figure out which is which.  Select the entire CAD part and move it NEAR the sections and points.  HINT make sure none of the CAD layers are locked, just the imported sections and points.

Now grab your cad layers and make your anchor one of the points.  MOVE the drawing so it is anchored on the corresponding imported point. 

Now use the SCALE function to rescale the other point to the corresponding other point and then rotate if necessary.

Once you have the CAD drawing lined up to the imported locations you can either exports the various lines points blocks texts etc as shape files or you can open the autocad drawing in ArcGIS and then proceed to bring the features in the GIS.

I know this may sound cumbersome but it works.  I have converted a lot of autocad drawings that were not referenced.

The worst one was the peoples who made the original CAD drawing used millimeters instead of feet as drawing units. Everything was to scale but really tiny and it was not referenced.  When first brought in it appeared on the equator.

I am new to GIS. i have a AutoCad file which needs to be converted in GeoDatabase. This CAD file dont have spatial reference.i tried converting this CAD file in geodatabase by "CAD to Geodatabase" tool.
I have few question
1. Any other way for conversion from CAD to Geodatabase
2. The Output are in annotation,point,Polyline,polygon,multipatch. my requirment needs data only in point,line,polygon. Any suggestion.
3. How to georeference the Converted Geodatabase to ESRI online basemaps

Thanks in advance.
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Deactivated User
Thanks for the replies.
presently i am facing below issues.
1. After conversion polygon are transformed into polylines. how to convert it back to polygon in FGDB.
2. I amnot able to georeferenced the converted FGDB with Arcgis online baselayer.

Any help is highly appreciated.

Suman Kumar
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