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Clip raster - still original raster value range partially

03-09-2014 06:37 AM
New Contributor
Hi everyone,

I need some help with the clip raster function in ArcMap: I have clipped a DEM from a bigger extent to a smaller one, but still the data range of the bigger raster i kept, i.e.:
old data range: 11-4038 m.a.s.l.
new data range: 11-3860 m.a.s.l.

3860 might be more or less true, because the highest point in the clipped area is 3905m and the cell size 10x10m (!?). The lowest point, however, is 205m and no longer 11. Might that be an ArcGIS "problem" and how can I figure this out?
I've tried the "extract by mask" tool, too, still with the same results.

Thanks in advance!
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2 Replies
MVP Alum
It helps to state which version of Arc you are using and what is the format of the data you are dealing with.
But have to tried to recalculate the statistics on the new dataset?

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New Contributor
Thanks for your reply!

I have tried to recalculate the statistics, but the value range is unfortunately still the same...
My format is GRID with 32 Bit floating point numbers and ArcGIS version 10.2.1 (should be the latest).

I have attached a screenshot of the pixel histogram...maybe that helps!?
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