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moving polygon layer to new locations

06-23-2015 05:56 AM
Frequent Contributor

So. We have multiple different polygon layers that were either digitized or copied to our parcel layer, which we receive from our auditors office. The polygon layers are our water and sewer tap records, and easements. These layers are linked to pdf documents that our employees access frequently. The issue is that a couple years back our Auditors office did a parcel fabric which moved/shifted the geometry / location of the parcels that our tap records and easements were originally digitized or copied to. So, now all our tap records and easements are not lined up on their respected parcel anymore. they are way off. I guess my question is, is there a geoprocessing tool or script that I can run that will allow me to move our tap and easement records back to their respected parcel. We have about 15,000 tap records that need to be corrected. So I do not want to have to go to each parcel and manually move the existing record back on top of their respected parcel. Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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8 Replies
MVP Alum


Unless there is a backup data before the parcel fabric was run, I can not think of reversing the locations. Because once an edit is saved and mxd is closed, the change is irreversible.

Think Location
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MVP Emeritus

Unless you want to try the Spatial Adjustment methodology on a backup.  If the displacements were the delta X and delta Y were know, then it would be a simple shift. Of course, you will do this on a backup...preferably your 2nd or 3rd backup

Deactivated User

You might try playing with Rubbersheeting, from the Conflate toolset, in the Editing tools. I haven't used it before, but it may work for you. Failing that, I believe this could be done using geometry objects, but I only have a very cursory understanding of that. There is a tool in the editor menu that can be used to replace the geometry of a selected feature, but I think that would take to long for you.

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Frequent Contributor

Thanks everybody for the tips. Here is another question: What if I was to get the parcel fabric database from the auditor. is there a geometry tool or something like that I could run against the database.

Sephe- Not really under any kind of time restraint. This issue has been out there for a while. I just trying to get ideas how to handle it. So I will look for that tool in editor. I appreciate your help.

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Deactivated User

Here's the help file for that: ArcGIS Help 10.1. It works great, but you have to replace one feature at a time.

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by Esri Regular Contributor
Esri Regular Contributor

Hello Erik,

You have a use case that I would like to look into. We released the Conflation toolset under Editing toolbox in ArcGIS Desktop 10.2.1. The Generate Rubbersheet Links tool in the toolset automatically matches corresponding linear features and produces links between source and target features. The two input datasets usually cover the same geographic area but are inconsistently shifted, for example two parcel line datasets from different sources. I understand that once the parcels are moved (adjusted) to new locations, any features associated to them need to be adjusted so they remain connected or in the right relative positions. The links used to adjust the parcels may not be all suitable for adjusting the associated features. We are gathering use cases and trying to develop solutions. Would you be willing to share some sample data with me? That would help us to analyze and understand your case. You can start with small areas/datasets (the current parcels from Auditors, and your water and sewer tap records, and easements) and if possible, attach the data in email to Thanks!

Frequent Contributor


I would be happy to send you some data. We are running 10.3 currently. I will package up a sample area for you and send it to you. Thanks.

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by Esri Regular Contributor
Esri Regular Contributor

Wonderful! I look forward to your package. Thanks!

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