I’m attempting to make a linear referencing. It’s a polyline M layer (with lengths along every line) of forest roads . Every road (unique road number) consists of 1, 2 or more segments. In the attribute table I have a field with segment_id (unique in the layer) and a field with the road_number (many segments can have the same road_number). The layer is sorted ascending by segment_id and road_number.
The problem is – how to check if every segments of one road_number have the same direction. Maybe the solution is to calculate distance for end point and start point of subsequent segments in every road_number (but not for first and last segments – only the middle segments). When the distance if more than 0 – it will be an error. But how to calculate it?
Thanks for any suggestions how to solve this.
Solved! Go to Solution.
You could try this. It will take the input fields to the output featureclass and add a field "FlipCase" that will hold "Flipped" when the polyline was flipped. However, the M values are not reversed for each point. Are the M values length values?
def main():
import arcpy
import os
# input fc and name of field containing route name
fc = r'C:\GeoNet\RoadDirection2\test.gdb\roads_m'
fc_out = r'C:\GeoNet\RoadDirection2\test.gdb\roads_m_corr7' # output fc
fld_name = 'RouteName'
fld_id = 'Segment_ID'
fld_case = 'FlipCase' # stores info on correction feature
tolerance = 10 # tolerance for searching connecting segments for same route
# sr
sr = arcpy.Describe(fc).spatialReference
arcpy.env.OverwriteOutput = True
# create dictionary of data
dct_routes = {}
dct_seg_id_oid = {}
dct_oid_seg_id = {}
flds = ('OID@', 'SHAPE@', fld_name, fld_id)
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, flds) as curs:
for row in curs:
dct_data = {}
oid = row[0]
polyline = row[1]
route_name = row[2]
seg_id = row[3]
dct_seg_id_oid[seg_id] = oid
dct_oid_seg_id[oid] = seg_id
if route_name in dct_routes:
dct_data = dct_routes[route_name]
dct_data[oid] = [polyline, seg_id]
dct_data[oid] = [polyline, seg_id]
dct_routes[route_name] = dct_data
# supporting dct with oid and geometry
dct_oid_geom = {r[0]: r[1] for r in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, ('OID@', 'SHAPE@'))}
# determnine first segment of route based on segment id
dct_start_seg_id = {}
for route_name, dct_data in sorted(dct_routes.items()):
seg_ids = [s[1] for p,s in dct_data.items()]
dct_start_seg_id[route_name] = min(seg_ids)
# trace route from staring seg_id to end
lst_flip_oid = []
lst_candidates_todo = []
lst_multi_candidates = []
dct_route_order = {}
for route_name, seg_id in sorted(dct_start_seg_id.items()):
route_order = [seg_id]
print "trace:", route_name, " starting @", seg_id
dct_data = dct_routes[route_name]
dct_start_pnts = CreateDictionaryStartOrEndPoints(dct_data, "start")
dct_end_pnts = CreateDictionaryStartOrEndPoints(dct_data, "end")
oid = dct_seg_id_oid[seg_id]
start_pnt = dct_start_pnts[oid]
end_pnt = dct_end_pnts[oid]
lst_processed = [oid]
lst_todo = [o for o, lst in dct_data.items() if o != oid]
while len(lst_todo) > 0:
print "lst_processed:", lst_processed
# get candidates for end point of line
oid_cand_end, start_end_end, dist_from_end = GetCandidate(end_pnt, dct_start_pnts, dct_end_pnts, lst_todo, tolerance)
print " - GetCandidate 1:", oid_cand_end, start_end_end, dist_from_end
# get candidates for start point of line
oid_cand_start, start_end_start, dist_from_start = GetCandidate(start_pnt, dct_start_pnts, dct_end_pnts, lst_todo, tolerance)
print " - GetCandidate 2:", oid_cand_start, start_end_start, dist_from_start
# check is there are candidates
if dist_from_start == 9999 and dist_from_end == 9999:
# no candidates
print" - no candidates!"
lst_todo = []
oid_found = None
elif dist_from_start == dist_from_end:
# two candidates with same score, error!
print " - two candidates with same score, error!"
lst_multi_candidates.append([oid_cand_end, oid_cand_start])
lst_todo = []
oid_found = None
elif dist_from_start < dist_from_end:
# candidate is at start of line, requires flip of current oid
print " - candidate is at start of line, requires flip of current oid"
if start_end_start == "end":
# also candidate need to be flipped
print " - current start connects to candidate end, also candidate need to be flipped"
print " - adding candidate oid ", oid_cand_start, " to flip list"
if not oid in lst_flip_oid:
print " - adding current oid ", oid, " to flip list"
oid_found = oid_cand_start
# candidate is at end of line, OK
if start_end_end== "end":
# current end connects to candidate end, candidate need to be flipped
print " - current end connects to candidate end, candidate need to be flipped"
print " - adding candidate oid ", oid_cand_end, " to flip list"
oid_found = oid_cand_end
if oid_found != None:
start_pnt = dct_start_pnts[oid_found]
end_pnt = dct_end_pnts[oid_found]
oid = oid_found
print "lst_todo", lst_todo
print "lst_flip_oid", lst_flip_oid
dct_route_order[route_name] = route_order
print "lst_flip_oid :", sorted(lst_flip_oid)
print "lst_candidates_todo :", sorted(lst_candidates_todo)
print "lst_multi_candidates:", lst_multi_candidates
for route_name, route_order in sorted(dct_route_order.items()):
print " - Route:", route_name, " seg id order:", route_order
# create output featureclass
ws, fc_name = os.path.split(fc_out)
arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(ws, fc_name, "POLYLINE", fc, "ENABLED", "DISABLED", sr)
arcpy.AddField_management(fc_out, fld_case, "TEXT", None, None, 50)
flds_in = [fld.name for fld in arcpy.ListFields(fc)]
flds_out = [fld.name for fld in arcpy.ListFields(fc_out)]
fld_geom = arcpy.Describe(fc).ShapeFieldName
fld_oid = arcpy.Describe(fc).OIDFieldName
flds_in[flds_in.index(fld_geom)] = 'SHAPE@'
i_oid = flds_in.index(fld_oid)
flds_in[flds_in.index(fld_oid)] = 'OID@'
flds_out[flds_out.index(fld_geom)] = 'SHAPE@'
flds_out[flds_out.index(fld_oid)] = 'OID@'
fld_geom = 'SHAPE@'
fld_oid = 'OID@'
cnt = 0
with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(fc_out, flds_out) as curs_out:
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, flds_in) as curs:
for row in curs:
cnt += 1
if cnt % 100 == 0:
print "Processing feature:", cnt
oid = row[i_oid]
polyline = dct_oid_geom[oid] # row[i_shp]
if oid in lst_flip_oid:
case = "Flipped"
polyline_out = FlipPolyline(polyline)
case = "OK"
polyline_out = polyline
row_out = []
for fld_name in flds_out[:-1]:
row_out[flds_out.index(fld_geom)] = polyline_out
print row_out
tpl_row = tuple(row_out)
def FlipPolyline(polyline):
print "before:", polyline.length
vertices = []
for part in polyline:
for pnt in part:
polyline_out = arcpy.Polyline(arcpy.Array(vertices[::-1]),
polyline.spatialReference, False, True)
print "after :", polyline_out.length
return polyline_out
def GetCandidate(end_pnt, dct_start_pnts, dct_end_pnts, lst_todo, tolerance):
# return oid_cand_start, start_end, dist_from_start
dist_min = 9999
oid_min = None
type_min = None
for oid, pnt in dct_start_pnts.items():
if oid in lst_todo:
dist = GetDistance(end_pnt.X, end_pnt.Y, pnt.X, pnt.Y)
if dist < tolerance:
if dist < dist_min:
dist_min = dist
oid_min = oid
type_min = "start"
for oid, pnt in dct_end_pnts.items():
if oid in lst_todo:
dist = GetDistance(end_pnt.X, end_pnt.Y, pnt.X, pnt.Y)
if dist < tolerance:
if dist < dist_min:
dist_min = dist
oid_min = oid
type_min = "end"
return oid_min, type_min, dist_min
def GetDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
import math
return math.hypot(x2-x1, y2-y1)
def CreateDictionaryStartOrEndPoints(dct_data, start_or_end):
dct_pnts = {}
for oid, lst in dct_data.items():
polyline = lst[0]
if start_or_end == "start":
dct_pnts[oid] = polyline.firstPoint
dct_pnts[oid] = polyline.lastPoint
return dct_pnts
if __name__ == '__main__':
The are many ways to validate if there are segments with the wrong direction. For instance manually, by applying a symbology that includes line decoration:
Which will show you where you have problems in your data:
You can also create end and start points in separate featureclasses form the lines using Feature Vertices to Points:
And symbolize those:
You can also apply hatching (About displaying hatches—Help | ArcGIS Desktop ) to validate the M values of the road (are they continuous):
Or you can analyze the start and end featureclasses with a Generate Near Table and validate where you have start points without end point (although you would need to exclude the start and end points of a route.
Or create routes to see if the routes makes sense when you apply the M values of the road segments.
Symbology > Arrow at End.
Thank you for your answers and screenshots. Of course these solutions are good and I can apply them to my dataset.
But how to calculate (maybe in Python) distance for end point and start point of subsequent segments in every road_number (but not for first and last segments – only the middle segments) ? When the distance is more than 0 – it will be an error.
You can script this, but this can get pretty complex. I did something in the past. Let me dig into my archive and see if I can share some code.
See below some sample code that could be a start:
def main():
import arcpy
# input fc and name of field containing route name
fc = r'C:\GeoNet\RoadDirection\test.gdb\roads_m'
fld_name = 'RouteName'
tolerance = 1
# sr
sr = arcpy.Describe(fc).spatialReference
# create dictionary of data
dct_routes = {}
flds = ('OID@', 'SHAPE@', fld_name)
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, flds) as curs:
for row in curs:
dct_data = {}
oid = row[0]
polyline = row[1]
route_name = row[2]
if route_name in dct_routes:
dct_data = dct_routes[route_name]
dct_data[oid] = polyline
dct_data[oid] = polyline
dct_routes[route_name] = dct_data
# determnine first segment of route based on minimum M value
dct_possible_errors = {}
for route_name, dct_data in sorted(dct_routes.items()):
print "dct_possible_errors", dct_possible_errors
oid = GetFirstSegmentOfRouteOnMvalue(dct_data)
print " - GetFirstSegmentOfRouteOnMvalue:", route_name, oid
lst_processed = [oid]
dct_start_pnts = CreateDictionaryStartOrEndPoints(dct_data, "start")
dct_end_pnts = CreateDictionaryStartOrEndPoints(dct_data, "end")
print route_name
print " - len:", len(dct_data.keys())
print " - oid:", oid
# start connecting segments
lst_todo = [o for o in dct_data.keys() if not o in lst_processed]
while len(lst_todo) != 0:
start_pnt = dct_start_pnts[oid]
end_pnt = dct_end_pnts[oid]
print " - lst_processed:", lst_processed
print " - lst_todo:", lst_todo
oid_near_end, dist_near_end, type_near_end = FindPointsNearEnd(oid, "end", dct_start_pnts, dct_end_pnts, lst_processed)
print " - FindPointsNearStartorEnd-end :", oid_near_end, dist_near_end, type_near_end
oid_near_start, dist_near_start, type_near_start = FindPointsNearStart(oid, "start", dct_start_pnts, dct_end_pnts, lst_processed)
print " - FindPointsNearStartorEnd-start:", oid_near_start, dist_near_start, type_near_start
from_part = "end"
to_part = "not set"
if dist_near_start < tolerance:
print " - connect to start is option..."
print " - oid to connect to:", oid_near_start
to_part = "start"
print "ERROR possible flip line case"
if dist_near_end < tolerance:
print " - connect to end is option..."
print " - oid to connect to:", oid_near_end
to_part = "end"
print " - from - to: ", from_part, " - ", to_part
if to_part == "end":
print "from_part is start, possible ERROR flip case!"
oid = oid_near_end
print " - ERROR is end, Flip!:", oid_near_end
if route_name in dct_possible_errors:
errors = dct_possible_errors[route_name]
dct_possible_errors[route_name] = errors
dct_possible_errors[route_name] = [oid]
print " - added:", route_name, oid
elif to_part == "start":
print "to_part is end, OK"
oid = oid_near_start
print " - OK is start :", oid_near_start
print "no candidates available in tolerance"
print " - still to do:", lst_todo
lst_todo = []
for route_name, errors in dct_possible_errors.items():
if len(errors) > 0:
print route_name, errors
def FindPointsNearStart(oid, start_or_end, dct_start_pnts, dct_end_pnts, lst_exclude):
if start_or_end == "start":
pnt = dct_start_pnts[oid]
pnt = dct_end_pnts[oid]
dist_min = 9999
oid_min = -1
type_min = "not set"
# determine distance bewteen point and start of others
for oid_i, pnt_i in dct_start_pnts.items():
if not oid_i in lst_exclude:
dist_i = GetDistance(pnt.X, pnt.Y, pnt_i.X, pnt_i.Y)
if dist_i < dist_min:
dist_min = dist_i
oid_min = oid_i
type_min = "start"
return oid_min, dist_min, type_min
def FindPointsNearEnd(oid, start_or_end, dct_start_pnts, dct_end_pnts, lst_exclude):
if start_or_end == "start":
pnt = dct_start_pnts[oid]
pnt = dct_end_pnts[oid]
dist_min = 9999
oid_min = -1
type_min = "not set"
# determine distance bewteen point and start of others
for oid_i, pnt_i in dct_end_pnts.items():
if not oid_i in lst_exclude:
dist_i = GetDistance(pnt.X, pnt.Y, pnt_i.X, pnt_i.Y)
if dist_i < dist_min:
dist_min = dist_i
oid_min = oid_i
type_min = "end"
return oid_min, dist_min, type_min
def FindPointsNearStartorEnd(oid, start_or_end, dct_start_pnts, dct_end_pnts, lst_exclude):
if start_or_end == "start":
pnt = dct_start_pnts[oid]
pnt = dct_end_pnts[oid]
dist_min = 9999
oid_min = -1
type_min = "not set"
# determine distance bewteen point and start of others
for oid_i, pnt_i in dct_start_pnts.items():
if not oid_i in lst_exclude:
dist_i = GetDistance(pnt.X, pnt.Y, pnt_i.X, pnt_i.Y)
if dist_i < dist_min:
dist_min = dist_i
oid_min = oid_i
type_min = "start"
# determine distance bewteen point and start of others
for oid_i, pnt_i in dct_end_pnts.items():
if not oid_i in lst_exclude:
dist_i = GetDistance(pnt.X, pnt.Y, pnt_i.X, pnt_i.Y)
if dist_i < dist_min:
dist_min = dist_i
oid_min = oid_i
type_min = "end"
return oid_min, dist_min, type_min
def GetDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
import math
return math.hypot(x2-x1, y2-y1)
def CreateDictionaryStartOrEndPoints(dct_data, start_or_end):
dct_pnts = {}
for oid, polyline in dct_data.items():
if start_or_end == "start":
dct_pnts[oid] = polyline.firstPoint
dct_pnts[oid] = polyline.lastPoint
return dct_pnts
def GetFirstSegmentOfRouteOnMvalue(dct_data):
m_min = 99999
oid_min = -1
for oid, polyline in dct_data.items():
for part in polyline:
for pnt in part:
m = pnt.M
if m < m_min:
m_min = m
oid_min = oid
return oid_min
if __name__ == '__main__':
It threw as result that feature with OID 5, route "B" was in the wrong direction (although a lot of testing is still required):
Before you start to use this script, please keep the following in mind:
Thank you very much for your engagement and time you have spent on this case. I will apply and test the code. I will allow myself to contact you again in case of further questions.
I have done some test with your code on my example data. I have attached the data. You will find that:
Below screenshot of my example roads:
The right direction for whole road indicates:
So script should report errors:
For now, code indicates errors only at segment (A,2).
Please for further help.
Can you share this sample set of data?