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How to check if every segments of a road have the same directions?

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11-02-2017 03:35 AM
Emerging Contributor


I’m attempting to make a linear referencing. It’s a polyline M layer (with lengths along every line)  of forest roads . Every road (unique road number) consists of 1, 2 or more segments. In the attribute table I have a field with segment_id (unique in the layer) and a field with the road_number (many segments can have the same road_number). The layer is sorted ascending by segment_id and road_number.

The problem is – how to check if every segments of one road_number have the same direction. Maybe the solution is to calculate distance for end point and start point of subsequent segments in every road_number (but not for first and last segments – only the middle segments). When the distance if more than 0 – it will be an error. But how to calculate it?

Thanks for any suggestions how to solve this.

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1 Solution

Accepted Solutions
Esri Esteemed Contributor

You could try this. It will take the input fields to the output featureclass and add a field "FlipCase" that will hold "Flipped" when the polyline was flipped. However, the M values are not reversed for each point. Are the M values length values?

def main():
    import arcpy
    import os

    # input fc and name of field containing route name
    fc = r'C:\GeoNet\RoadDirection2\test.gdb\roads_m'
    fc_out = r'C:\GeoNet\RoadDirection2\test.gdb\roads_m_corr7' # output fc
    fld_name = 'RouteName'
    fld_id = 'Segment_ID'
    fld_case = 'FlipCase'  # stores info on correction feature
    tolerance = 10 # tolerance for searching connecting segments for same route

    # sr
    sr = arcpy.Describe(fc).spatialReference
    arcpy.env.OverwriteOutput = True

    # create dictionary of data
    dct_routes = {}
    dct_seg_id_oid = {}
    dct_oid_seg_id = {}
    flds = ('OID@', 'SHAPE@', fld_name, fld_id)
    with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, flds) as curs:
        for row in curs:
            dct_data = {}
            oid = row[0]
            polyline = row[1]
            route_name = row[2]
            seg_id = row[3]
            dct_seg_id_oid[seg_id] = oid
            dct_oid_seg_id[oid] = seg_id
            if route_name in dct_routes:
                dct_data = dct_routes[route_name]
                dct_data[oid] = [polyline, seg_id]
                dct_data[oid] = [polyline, seg_id]
            dct_routes[route_name] = dct_data

    # supporting dct with oid and geometry
    dct_oid_geom = {r[0]: r[1] for r in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, ('OID@', 'SHAPE@'))}

    # determnine first segment of route based on segment id
    dct_start_seg_id = {}
    for route_name, dct_data in sorted(dct_routes.items()):
        seg_ids = [s[1] for p,s in dct_data.items()]
        dct_start_seg_id[route_name] = min(seg_ids)

    # trace route from staring seg_id to end
    lst_flip_oid = []
    lst_candidates_todo = []
    lst_multi_candidates = []
    dct_route_order = {}
    for route_name, seg_id in sorted(dct_start_seg_id.items()):
        route_order = [seg_id]
        print "trace:", route_name, " starting @", seg_id
        dct_data = dct_routes[route_name]
        dct_start_pnts = CreateDictionaryStartOrEndPoints(dct_data, "start")
        dct_end_pnts = CreateDictionaryStartOrEndPoints(dct_data, "end")
        oid = dct_seg_id_oid[seg_id]
        start_pnt = dct_start_pnts[oid]
        end_pnt = dct_end_pnts[oid]
        lst_processed = [oid]
        lst_todo = [o for o, lst in dct_data.items() if o != oid]
        while len(lst_todo) > 0:
            print "lst_processed:", lst_processed
            # get candidates for end point of line
            oid_cand_end, start_end_end, dist_from_end = GetCandidate(end_pnt, dct_start_pnts, dct_end_pnts, lst_todo, tolerance)
            print " - GetCandidate 1:", oid_cand_end, start_end_end, dist_from_end
            # get candidates for start point of line
            oid_cand_start, start_end_start, dist_from_start = GetCandidate(start_pnt, dct_start_pnts, dct_end_pnts, lst_todo, tolerance)
            print " - GetCandidate 2:", oid_cand_start, start_end_start, dist_from_start

            # check is there are candidates
            if dist_from_start == 9999 and dist_from_end == 9999:
                # no candidates
                print" - no candidates!"
                lst_todo = []
                oid_found = None

            elif dist_from_start == dist_from_end:
                # two candidates with same score, error!
                print " - two candidates with same score, error!"
                lst_multi_candidates.append([oid_cand_end, oid_cand_start])
                lst_todo = []
                oid_found = None

            elif dist_from_start < dist_from_end:
                # candidate is at start of line, requires flip of current oid
                print " - candidate is at start of line, requires flip of current oid"
                if start_end_start == "end":
                    # also candidate need to be flipped
                    print " - current start connects to candidate end, also candidate need to be flipped"
                    print " - adding candidate oid ", oid_cand_start, " to flip list"

                if not oid in lst_flip_oid:
                    print " - adding current oid ", oid, " to flip list"
                oid_found = oid_cand_start

                # candidate is at end of line, OK
                if start_end_end== "end":
                    # current end connects to candidate end, candidate need to be flipped
                    print " - current end connects to candidate end, candidate need to be flipped"
                    print "   - adding candidate oid ", oid_cand_end, " to flip list"
                oid_found = oid_cand_end

            if oid_found != None:
                start_pnt = dct_start_pnts[oid_found]
                end_pnt = dct_end_pnts[oid_found]
                oid = oid_found

            print "lst_todo", lst_todo
            print "lst_flip_oid", lst_flip_oid
        dct_route_order[route_name] = route_order

    print "lst_flip_oid        :", sorted(lst_flip_oid)
    print "lst_candidates_todo :", sorted(lst_candidates_todo)
    print "lst_multi_candidates:", lst_multi_candidates

    for route_name, route_order in sorted(dct_route_order.items()):
        print " - Route:", route_name, "  seg id order:", route_order

    # create output featureclass
    ws, fc_name = os.path.split(fc_out)
    arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(ws, fc_name, "POLYLINE", fc, "ENABLED", "DISABLED", sr)
    arcpy.AddField_management(fc_out, fld_case, "TEXT", None, None, 50)

    flds_in = [ for fld in arcpy.ListFields(fc)]
    flds_out = [ for fld in arcpy.ListFields(fc_out)]
    fld_geom = arcpy.Describe(fc).ShapeFieldName
    fld_oid = arcpy.Describe(fc).OIDFieldName

    flds_in[flds_in.index(fld_geom)] = 'SHAPE@'
    i_oid = flds_in.index(fld_oid)
    flds_in[flds_in.index(fld_oid)] = 'OID@'
    flds_out[flds_out.index(fld_geom)] = 'SHAPE@'
    flds_out[flds_out.index(fld_oid)] = 'OID@'

    fld_geom = 'SHAPE@'
    fld_oid = 'OID@'

    cnt = 0
    with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(fc_out, flds_out) as curs_out:
        with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, flds_in) as curs:
            for row in curs:
                cnt += 1
                if cnt % 100 == 0:
                    print "Processing feature:", cnt
                oid = row[i_oid]
                polyline = dct_oid_geom[oid] # row[i_shp]
                if oid in lst_flip_oid:
                    case = "Flipped"
                    polyline_out = FlipPolyline(polyline)
                    case = "OK"
                    polyline_out = polyline

                row_out = []
                for fld_name in flds_out[:-1]:
                row_out[flds_out.index(fld_geom)] = polyline_out
                print row_out
                tpl_row = tuple(row_out)

def FlipPolyline(polyline):
    print "before:", polyline.length
    vertices = []
    for part in polyline:
        for pnt in part:
    polyline_out = arcpy.Polyline(arcpy.Array(vertices[::-1]),
                polyline.spatialReference, False, True)
    print "after :", polyline_out.length
    return polyline_out

def GetCandidate(end_pnt, dct_start_pnts, dct_end_pnts, lst_todo, tolerance):
    # return oid_cand_start, start_end, dist_from_start
    dist_min = 9999
    oid_min = None
    type_min = None
    for oid, pnt in dct_start_pnts.items():
        if oid in lst_todo:
            dist = GetDistance(end_pnt.X, end_pnt.Y, pnt.X, pnt.Y)
            if dist < tolerance:
                if dist < dist_min:
                    dist_min = dist
                    oid_min = oid
                    type_min = "start"

    for oid, pnt in dct_end_pnts.items():
        if oid in lst_todo:
            dist = GetDistance(end_pnt.X, end_pnt.Y, pnt.X, pnt.Y)
            if dist < tolerance:
                if dist < dist_min:
                    dist_min = dist
                    oid_min = oid
                    type_min = "end"

    return oid_min, type_min, dist_min

def GetDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
    import math
    return math.hypot(x2-x1, y2-y1)

def CreateDictionaryStartOrEndPoints(dct_data, start_or_end):
    dct_pnts = {}
    for oid, lst in dct_data.items():
        polyline = lst[0]
        if start_or_end == "start":
            dct_pnts[oid] = polyline.firstPoint
            dct_pnts[oid] = polyline.lastPoint
    return dct_pnts

if __name__ == '__main__':

View solution in original post

17 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor

The are many ways to validate if there are segments with the wrong direction. For instance manually, by applying a symbology that includes line decoration:

Which will show you where you have problems in your data:

You can also create end and start points in separate featureclasses form the lines using Feature Vertices to Points:

And symbolize those:

You can also apply hatching (About displaying hatches—Help | ArcGIS Desktop ) to validate the M values of the road (are they continuous):

Or you can analyze the start and end featureclasses with a Generate Near Table and validate where you have start points without end point (although you would need to exclude the start and end points of a route.

Or create routes to see if the routes makes sense when you apply the M values of the road segments.

MVP Esteemed Contributor

Symbology > Arrow at End.

Think Location
Emerging Contributor

Thank you for your answers and screenshots. Of course these solutions are good and I can apply them to my dataset.

But how to calculate (maybe in Python) distance for end point and start point of subsequent segments in every road_number (but not for first and last segments – only the middle segments) ? When the distance is more than 0 – it will be an error.

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

You can script this, but this can get pretty complex. I did something in the past. Let me dig into my archive and see if I can share some code. 

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

See below some sample code that could be a start:

def main():
    import arcpy

    # input fc and name of field containing route name
    fc = r'C:\GeoNet\RoadDirection\test.gdb\roads_m'
    fld_name = 'RouteName'
    tolerance = 1

    # sr
    sr = arcpy.Describe(fc).spatialReference

    # create dictionary of data
    dct_routes = {}
    flds = ('OID@', 'SHAPE@', fld_name)
    with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, flds) as curs:
        for row in curs:
            dct_data = {}
            oid = row[0]
            polyline = row[1]
            route_name = row[2]
            if route_name in dct_routes:
                dct_data = dct_routes[route_name]
                dct_data[oid] = polyline
                dct_data[oid] = polyline
            dct_routes[route_name] = dct_data

    # determnine first segment of route based on minimum M value
    dct_possible_errors = {}
    for route_name, dct_data in sorted(dct_routes.items()):
        print "dct_possible_errors", dct_possible_errors
        oid = GetFirstSegmentOfRouteOnMvalue(dct_data)
        print " - GetFirstSegmentOfRouteOnMvalue:", route_name, oid
        lst_processed = [oid]
        dct_start_pnts = CreateDictionaryStartOrEndPoints(dct_data, "start")
        dct_end_pnts = CreateDictionaryStartOrEndPoints(dct_data, "end")
        print route_name
        print " - len:", len(dct_data.keys())
        print " - oid:", oid

        # start connecting segments
        lst_todo = [o for o in dct_data.keys() if not o in lst_processed]
        while len(lst_todo) != 0:
            start_pnt = dct_start_pnts[oid]
            end_pnt = dct_end_pnts[oid]

            print " - lst_processed:", lst_processed
            print " - lst_todo:", lst_todo

            oid_near_end, dist_near_end, type_near_end = FindPointsNearEnd(oid, "end", dct_start_pnts, dct_end_pnts, lst_processed)
            print " - FindPointsNearStartorEnd-end  :", oid_near_end, dist_near_end, type_near_end
            oid_near_start, dist_near_start, type_near_start = FindPointsNearStart(oid, "start", dct_start_pnts, dct_end_pnts, lst_processed)
            print " - FindPointsNearStartorEnd-start:", oid_near_start, dist_near_start, type_near_start

            from_part = "end"
            to_part = "not set"
            if dist_near_start < tolerance:
                print "   - connect to start is option..."
                print "   - oid to connect to:", oid_near_start
                to_part = "start"
                print "ERROR possible flip line case"
            if dist_near_end < tolerance:
                print "   - connect to end is option..."
                print "   - oid to connect to:", oid_near_end
                to_part = "end"
            print "    - from - to: ", from_part, " - ", to_part

            if to_part == "end":
                print "from_part is start, possible ERROR flip case!"
                oid = oid_near_end
                print " - ERROR is end, Flip!:", oid_near_end
                if route_name in dct_possible_errors:
                    errors = dct_possible_errors[route_name]
                    dct_possible_errors[route_name] = errors
                    dct_possible_errors[route_name] = [oid]
                print " - added:", route_name, oid
            elif to_part == "start":
                print "to_part is end, OK"
                oid = oid_near_start
                print " - OK is start        :", oid_near_start
                print "no candidates available in tolerance"
                print " - still to do:", lst_todo
                lst_todo = []

    for route_name, errors in dct_possible_errors.items():
        if len(errors) > 0:
            print route_name, errors

def FindPointsNearStart(oid, start_or_end, dct_start_pnts, dct_end_pnts, lst_exclude):
    if start_or_end == "start":
        pnt = dct_start_pnts[oid]
        pnt = dct_end_pnts[oid]

    dist_min = 9999
    oid_min = -1
    type_min = "not set"

    # determine distance bewteen point and start of others
    for oid_i, pnt_i in dct_start_pnts.items():
        if not oid_i in lst_exclude:
            dist_i = GetDistance(pnt.X, pnt.Y, pnt_i.X, pnt_i.Y)
            if dist_i < dist_min:
                dist_min = dist_i
                oid_min = oid_i
                type_min = "start"

    return oid_min, dist_min, type_min

def FindPointsNearEnd(oid, start_or_end, dct_start_pnts, dct_end_pnts, lst_exclude):
    if start_or_end == "start":
        pnt = dct_start_pnts[oid]
        pnt = dct_end_pnts[oid]

    dist_min = 9999
    oid_min = -1
    type_min = "not set"

   # determine distance bewteen point and start of others
    for oid_i, pnt_i in dct_end_pnts.items():
        if not oid_i in lst_exclude:
            dist_i = GetDistance(pnt.X, pnt.Y, pnt_i.X, pnt_i.Y)
            if dist_i < dist_min:
                dist_min = dist_i
                oid_min = oid_i
                type_min = "end"

    return oid_min, dist_min, type_min

def FindPointsNearStartorEnd(oid, start_or_end, dct_start_pnts, dct_end_pnts, lst_exclude):
    if start_or_end == "start":
        pnt = dct_start_pnts[oid]
        pnt = dct_end_pnts[oid]

    dist_min = 9999
    oid_min = -1
    type_min = "not set"
    # determine distance bewteen point and start of others
    for oid_i, pnt_i in dct_start_pnts.items():
        if not oid_i in lst_exclude:
            dist_i = GetDistance(pnt.X, pnt.Y, pnt_i.X, pnt_i.Y)
            if dist_i < dist_min:
                dist_min = dist_i
                oid_min = oid_i
                type_min = "start"

    # determine distance bewteen point and start of others
    for oid_i, pnt_i in dct_end_pnts.items():
        if not oid_i in lst_exclude:
            dist_i = GetDistance(pnt.X, pnt.Y, pnt_i.X, pnt_i.Y)
            if dist_i < dist_min:
                dist_min = dist_i
                oid_min = oid_i
                type_min = "end"

    return oid_min, dist_min, type_min

def GetDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
    import math
    return math.hypot(x2-x1, y2-y1)

def CreateDictionaryStartOrEndPoints(dct_data, start_or_end):
    dct_pnts = {}
    for oid, polyline in dct_data.items():
        if start_or_end == "start":
            dct_pnts[oid] = polyline.firstPoint
            dct_pnts[oid] = polyline.lastPoint
    return dct_pnts

def GetFirstSegmentOfRouteOnMvalue(dct_data):
    m_min = 99999
    oid_min = -1
    for oid, polyline in dct_data.items():
        for part in polyline:
            for pnt in part:
                m = pnt.M
                if m < m_min:
                    m_min = m
                    oid_min = oid
    return oid_min

if __name__ == '__main__':

It threw as result that feature with OID 5, route "B" was in the wrong direction (although a lot of testing is still required):

Before you start to use this script, please keep the following in mind:

  • This code selects the first segment (feature) based on the minimum M value
  • The first feature defined the direction, if you have 10 segments in a route and the first points in a certain direction and the rest in the other, all 9 segments would be identified as "wrong"
  • If you would like to define the correct direction based on the majority of the segments, you should determine if this is on number of features or combined length.
  • There can be infinite exceptions that could yield undesired results 
Emerging Contributor

Thank you very much for your engagement and time you have spent on this case. I will apply and test the code. I will allow myself to contact you again in case of further questions.

0 Kudos
Emerging Contributor

I have done some test with your code on my example data. I have attached the data. You will find that:

  • in my example data every segment of a given road must start with M value =0,
  • the right direction is the direction of the first segment [Segment_ID] of a given road, that is the minimum value (number) in field [Segment_ID] for a given road number [RouteName]

Below screenshot of my example roads:

The right direction for whole road indicates:

  • Road A – segment 1
  • Road B – segment 4
  • Road C – segment 7

So script should report errors:

  • Road A, Segment 2 (A, 2)
  • Road B, Segment 6 (B, 6)
  • Road C, Segment 8, 9, 10 (C,8; C,9; C,10)

For now, code indicates errors only at segment (A,2).

Please for further help.

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Can you share this sample set of data?

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Emerging Contributor
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