From my testing of various versions of Pro (1.4 through to 2.2), it appears that you cannot disconnect from SDE once you have connected to an SDE database. Currently the only way to truly disconnect from SDE connections in Pro is to close the ArcPro app altogether. Now this seems like it might be problematic when Pro is used for SDE administrative tasks where not being able to disconnect from SDE could cause SDE locks for admin SDE tools. Is this current architecture by design and will persist in future versions of Pro?
I'm running on 2.9.2, but not seeing the Disconnect option when right-clicking on the database in Catalog.
What RDBMS are you using for the Enterprise Geodatabase?
You may have to grant some additional privileges' to the SDE (Geodatabase Administrator) user. The SDE user is the one that could potentially disconnect users:
SQL Server -
PostgreSQL -
Hope that helps!
Note - the original question in this thread is not related to killing SDE connections from AGP, it is related to AGP not releasing its connection to SDE without exiting AGP.
Oh, ok. As I understand it, you cannot release the SDE connections from Pro. I have not seen the .sde connection "disconnect" option yet.
Why ? It's a basic function. This should have been done since version 1.0
This issue still persists in 2.9.2. If I first log in as a viewer, open a table (I cannot edit), and close the table, the table becomes locked by that user. If I then connect as another viewer, open the table and close the table, now there are two locks on the table (shared). Then if I connect as an editor, even though I have the permissions, I cannot edit the table because of the locks. If I disconnect the first two users, the locks will be removed, but the table does not really unlock. In other words, the editor still cannot edit the table even logged on as a user with edit privileges. Only restarting ArcGIS allows for the editor to edit the table as the first person to connect and open the table.
Similarly, it seems the opposite problem persist. As stated above, if the first users are viewers then the subsequent users are only viewers until ArcGIS restart. If the first users are editors, and the subsequent users are viewers, then these viewers have the ability to edit even though they truly don't have the privilege, but since the table is still locked by a user who can edit, then folks with subsequent connections also have the editing rights. Similarly, if the initial editor is manually disconnected thereby removing the lock, the file will not behave correctly (disallow editing) until after ArcGIS is restarted. It would seem this could be a significant vulnerability.
Have you contacted ESRI support over this? If not, you should. That’s an important flaw/bug they need to know about. No viewer should ever be able to edit and I cannot imagine they ever intended AGP to act that way.
Based on the ongoing issue, I thought they might be aware. I can give them a call.
@NadineArens were you able to call Esri about this and did they have an update or solution for this?
I agree the ability to connect and disconnect to an enterprise geodatabase in Pro is absolutely needed.
I posted this idea back in 2019 - Pro Contents Window Connected Geodatabases .
This issue already has an enhancement submitted: #ENH-000084097
This is in the queue and under consideration, just do not know when it might be implemented yet.