Automatically convert CAD drwaings to Geodatabase

07-11-2022 02:56 AM
Labels (3)
New Contributor II

Hi, I´m astonished that the ability to automatically convert CAD drawings to geodatabase in Pro 3.0. has been removed. Why? It makes my everyday work unnecessary more complicated.

Or do I miss something here?

8 Replies
Esteemed Contributor

Can you please clarify what your workflow was in previous Pro versions where you feel this functionality has been removed?

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New Contributor II

It seems that the CAD option has been removed in 3.0

Here is the 2.8 equivalent which I can't find anymore.



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Esteemed Contributor

Can someone from ESRI answer if there is an alternate workflow in ArcGIS Pro 3.0 that has not been indicated in the ArcGIS Pro road map?  I will be working on a project where this capability is needed and this would keep the project at ArcGIS Pro 2.9 instead of upgrading to ArcGIS Pro 3.0.

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Esri Regular Contributor

@Anonymous User - Wasn't sure who else to direct this to - any comments/ideas?


Brian Baldwin, Esri Inc., Lead Solution Engineer
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Esri Contributor

You can use the GP tool - CAD to Geodatabase - to complete the same workflow of converting CAD files to a geodatabase

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New Contributor

We noticed the same behavior, sadly. After some discussion and research with Esri, an enhancement request has been created to reintroduce this in a new version. It is connected to the bug ENH-000153059: ArcGIS Pro 3.0 does not have the option "On adding new layer to map, convert CAD feature class to project geodatabase"

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MVP Honored Contributor
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New Contributor II

Hope it's soon back as an conversion option on Pro startup.

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