I am running ArcGIS Desktop 10.6.1 with SQL Server 2016 as my enterprise GDB.
When I import a FC into Arcmap from the Enterprise GDB and right click tyhe layer, export to shapefile I get the following error.
I can reproduce this behavior on ALL* 2k+ Feature classes in my database.
the only way for me to export a FC to shapefile is to do so via the Catalog Pane.
is this a known BUG in 10.6.1?
Richard, Can you provide a list of specific problems you had with ArcMap 10.5.1 after you installed the TLS patch? I installed this patch on about 100 computers at my org and no one reported any new issues with the ArcMap 10.5.1 software.
It resets registry settings related to the Standard Toolbar. Icons added to that toolbar will not ‘stick’ between restarts of ArcMap (i.e., you have to re-add the tool). Prior to install of the TLS patch the Command would remain between restarts of ArcMap.
Thank you. Sounds it fix the issue. Tried one time works. Will test it bit more. Thanks for the download link.
ESRI released a patch for this Export Data from Layer issue, if you have this issue ensure you load the patch named ArcGIS-1061-DT-EDL-Patch.msp from Esri Support ArcMap 10.6 (10.6.1) .
This fixed the issue for us for Shapefiles and Microsoft SQL.