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Not able to use the search bar in my workforce project. It will not respond. Has anyone experienced a similar issue and come across any explanations for why this happens?

02-02-2017 07:09 AM
Deactivated User

So, I just finished the process of making a simple workforce application. After adding both a Survey123 survey as well as a collector layer, I proceeded to complete the project and then open it. However, once opening the project I was not able to search for any addresses or locations in the search simply does not respond. I have the ArcGIS Navigator added to the project as well. The only dispatcher and worker I have added to the project though are both myself, I did this to test the quality of the application before diving in head first. Is it possible that this is causing the project to not be able to search for addresses or locations? Has anyone else experienced a similar problem and know of any other reasons this could be happening? Any help would be greatly appreciated thank you!

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16 Replies
Emerging Contributor

I am also seeing this same issue, but from a slightly different circumstance.  I've configured my dispatcher map to search by layers, adding about a half-dozen layer/field combinations.  In addition, (search) "by address" is also checked.  So, I'm expecting to be able to search features by the fields I set up...but also be able to search by address.

After setting up layer/field searching, searching for addresses isn't finding any hits - even for known address locations in my area.

If I open the dispatcher webmap and search, using an address works fine (in addition to my layer searches)

If I'm in the Dispatcher View in Workforce, address searches do not find results.

Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Jason,

The Search in Workforce does operate differently than the Map Viewer in ArcGIS Online.  In Workforce, you need to hit Enter/Return to initiate the Search.

Does that resolve the issue?  This issue has tripped up a few other people in this thread and in other cases.

If that's not the issue, happy to take this to email to figure out what is going on.


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Emerging Contributor

Hi Craig, thanks for the reply!

I did notice a difference in the behavior, however I made sure that my search was executed when I tested this in the Dispatcher's view.  After executing, the search did reply with a message: no result found for "2479 W 28th"

The identical search string in the Map Viewer returns a hit.

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Jason, ok.  Can you invite to your Workforce project as a Dispatcher so I can take a look?  You can search for craig_sp.


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Emerging Contributor

Sorry for the delay, Craig - I was able to find what I think was the cause (for my issue, at least).  For my Organization, we had several composite locators configured for the Organization.  If I make sure that the address locator (in my case, the ArcGIS World Geocoding Service) is *first* in that list, then the Dispatcher view will search across my layers/fields and addresses.

Thanks for offering to take a look, Craig!

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New Contributor

Have there been any fixes to this problem?  I am encountering the same issue discussed in the original post.

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hello @NilsOdgren 

The Search in Workforce does operate differently than the Map Viewer in ArcGIS Online.  In Workforce, you need to hit Enter/Return to initiate the Search.

Does that resolve the issue?  This issue has tripped up a few other people in this thread and in other cases.

If that's not the issue, happy to take this to email to figure out what is going on.


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