WMX Spatial Notification Service Do'nt Start

05-23-2012 04:21 AM
New Contributor

I'm trying to make a demo using WMX Spatial Notification, but the Spatial Notification Service (windows service) don't start.

This is the log message:

21/05/2012 20:51:21.006 Level: 3 SpatialNotificationService: OnStart caught exception: Falha ao criar uma instância do componente COM com CLSID {8E868A30-031D-4EB8-932B-C326FAEE904E} a partir de IClassFactory devido ao seguinte erro: 80040a3d., StackTrace:    em ESRI.ArcGIS.JTXUI.Service1.OnStart(String[] args)

I'm using the last service pack (SP4)  and a machine with Windows Server 2008 R2 ... 

Does Anybody know how to solve this?


Guilherme da Mata
0 Kudos
4 Replies
New Contributor III
Hello Guilherme,

That exception that we caught indicates licensing issues (we will improve our error messaging in this case). Are you running the Service on a machine that has ArcEditor or higher level? Can you open ArcGIS Administrator on this machine and paste the licensing level screenshot here?

Also, please turn up Workflow Manager log level to 5 and try restarting the Service? (Use WMXAdvancedSettings.exe in our Bin folder to turn up the log level).

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New Contributor
Hi, Raghu

I believe that It is not a license issue. I'm using ArcEditor and  in my license manager all extension like Worflow Manager are available.

Folow the logs level 5:

03/06/2012 22:32:39.157 Level: 5 SpatialNotificationService: Started and about to instantiate the Service object..
03/06/2012 22:32:39.160 Level: 5 Finished Service Object constructer..
03/06/2012 22:32:39.162 Level: 5 SpatialNotificationService: Instantiated the Service object, running the service..
03/06/2012 22:32:39.213 Level: 5 SpatialNotificationService: Service OnStart checking out the license..
03/06/2012 22:32:52.889 Level: 5 OnStart initialized the necessary licenses..
03/06/2012 22:33:02.891 Level: 5 OnStart connecting to the default repository..
03/06/2012 22:33:02.932 Level: 3 SpatialNotificationService: OnStart caught exception: Falha ao criar uma instância do componente COM com CLSID {8E868A30-031D-4EB8-932B-C326FAEE904E} a partir de IClassFactory devido ao seguinte erro: 80040a3d., StackTrace:    em ESRI.ArcGIS.JTXUI.Service1.OnStart(String[] args)



Guilherme da Mata
0 Kudos
New Contributor III
Hi Guilherme,

Thanks for posting the log file messages. We are going to try and recreate the issue here and then try possible fixes.

In the meantime, can you try the following: Do you have access to ArcInfo license level - even temporarily? If yes, can you please try to start our Spatial Notification Service on that machine?

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New Contributor
Hi Raghu,

I create a new virtual machine and install ArcGis Desktop and WMX and using this machine the spatial notification service work fine using ArcEditor or Arcinfo. Therefore, the ArcInfo license level is not necessary.

I will try to reinstall the WMX and service packs to try solve the erro on the original machine, but until then there are no errors on product.

Thank you!!

Guilherme da Mata
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