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WMViewer: Unable to change reference map and coordinate system

09-21-2010 06:17 PM
Emerging Contributor

Is there way to update the reference map and coordinate system definition?

At moment, the ArcGIS Online data is hard-coded in the Flex viewer application. My AOI and job data are in Australian coordinate system (AGD94).

Although I can create a new job, and update AOI, it is very slow as the AOI layer is projected on-the-fly.

Can the reference map and coordinate system as part of config.xml?


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2 Replies
Deactivated User
Hi Helen,

Currently the only means of updating the AOI basemap is to download the Flex Viewer source code, modify the basemap URL(s), and then recompile the Flex application.

You can download the Flex code from the Workflow Manager gallery:

For the next release (v10.1) of the web viewers, we are planning to make the AOI basemap more easily configurable via the config.xml file.
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Emerging Contributor
Thanks! Tom.

The last version I downloaded didn't include the source code.

Yes, I can modify the source code to change the spatial reference and reference map now.

Appreciate the reply.

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