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project portofolio management with arcgis workflow manager

05-01-2012 06:14 AM
Emerging Contributor
Hi All,
Is it possible to manage a project portofolio with workflow manager WM (or maybe any extension for WM) ? If so, how I can achieve this. If you had any kind of information about it, it would be great.
Thanks in advance.
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3 Replies
Frequent Contributor
Hi There,
Can you elaborate a bit more by what you mean with project portfolio?
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Emerging Contributor
I need that the system manages the several projects (project portfolio). It means that each project will have its own workflow then I should can do the tracking to each one of them. Indeed it would be possible to have many equal projects in diferent part of a country and all these projects should can manage from the system. I don't know if it is possible achieve with the workflow manager.
Thanks in advance.
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Occasional Contributor
Hi Rodolfo,

A project sounds like a Job Type in Workflow Manager. Each Job Type in Workflow Manager has an associated Workflow and associated resources that will execute steps in the workflow.

You can have several Job Types in your Workflow Manager system.

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