Post Install

05-18-2011 04:17 PM
MVP Honored Contributor
Minor issue, but there are some misspellings in the log from the post install...

PostInstallation: Updating old JobType maps..
PostInstallation: Finished updating old JobType maps..
PostInstallation: Updating map view map..
PostInstallation: Updating BLOB fields in Job and JobType tables..
PostInstallation: Did not find the old style BLOB field in JobBlobTable, assming already upgraded..
PostInstallation: Did not find the old style BLOB field in JobTypeBlobTable, assming already upgraded..
PostInstallation: Updating JobID2s in Jobs table, Repository name is WMX Database
PostInstallation: Updated 0Jobs with new JobID2s in Jobs table, updating ParentJobID2s..
PostInstallation: Updated 0Jobs with new ParentJobID2s in Jobs table..
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