I have a workflow that I triggered that once it got to my ArcGIS Pro step and I try executing the step in Pro it just keeps flashing back to the play/start button. When I go into the Portal/App and view the job it shows it is running with no way to stop it or kill the job.
What options do I have?
By using "Workflow Manager API" method "jobAction", you can stop the job by passing the parameters jobid & itemId
URL: https://developers.arcgis.com/workflow-manager/api-reference/rest/#api-Jobs-jobAction
Seems pretty heavy handed for what should be a simple task; but will give it a shot.
Hi @DEWright_CA
Were you able to get this resolved by stopping the step using the REST API? This is the preferred method when you have a step that is unable to be stopped via the UI. If this is a common problem, it may be good to investigate more on why this is happening but hopefully it was a one-off thing.
Not yet; having to build a jsp app/script to get the token then debug the call to the jobAction interface really is painful; and sadly the documentation lacks.
Thanks for the reply @DEWright_CA
I do want to mention a couple of things that should help moving forward.
1. For the 11.1 release, we've implemented a new privilege to allow Workflow Administrators to force stop steps that are running and assigned to a different user. This would help alleviate the getting the token part of your workflow there.
2. We have had reports of similar behavior as you are seeing from other users and have been able to reproduce it on our end. I can't say for sure what you are seeing is the same bug but it does seem likely. We're looking into it and it will be a top priority to address.
I also wanted to ask, can you expand on the areas where you feel we need to improve the documentation? We're always trying to improve that where we can.
I encountered the same issue while using version 11.0. After canceling the running GP Service step and refreshing the browser, I noticed that the step status still remained as "Running".
I also attempted to stop it using JobAction {type: Stop}, but it returned an error stating, "The specified step is not running." On the other hand, when I tried to setCurrentStep from the UI, it displayed "The specified step is currently running."
It seems there is no way to stop this step, which is quite frustrating.