I have set up a in workflow manager version 10.1, to get hold notifications each time a job is put on hold. But I am struggling to figure out how to include the comments of that hold with the notification email.
Has anyone else done something similar? I have seen threads about not being able to do this with related table which the jtx_Job_holds table I assume is, but it is able to pull the hold number.
any help is greatly appreciated!!
Below is what I have so far.
<title>Hold [HOLD]</title>
<p>Hold [HOLD]</p>
<p>added by [SYS:CUR_LOGIN] to Job [JOB:ID] </p>
<p>Work Order # [JOB: DESCRIPTION]</p>
<p>[HOLD_COMMENTS]</P> (this is where I would like to have the comments from the holds table)