We are having issues with publishing WFM 10.2.2 Repository to ArcGIS Server with Workflow Manager Extension 10.4.1. There is no information on version compatibility issues anywhere on the web. Did anyone encounter similar issue or successfully published the WMX Service to a higher version server?
Hi Tatiana,
It is recommended that you upgrade your Workflow Manager repository for compatibility issues. Use the Upgrade Workflow Database GP tool under Workflow Manager tools to upgrade your repository.
Hi Lalaine,
Thanks for your response. Do you mean that even if we still use WFM 10.2.1, the Workflow Database can be upgraded to 10.4? Would our WFM 10.2 still work?
Is it supported recommendation?
Mixed environments aren't recommended and are not supported if something goes wrong. Whether they 'work' or not is release to release dependent and how many releases are being skipped.