I am new to javascript webappbuilder. When i was using flex, it was very trivial to add REST URL to the application operational layers.
However in webappbuilder i absolutely have no idea to do the same thing. I want my services to have been added to the application since the application start running so then my client can just turn it on or off in layer list to access the desired information.
Is it possible to add the REST URL using config file so that the services have been added since the first time the application started?
Please help me...
Hi Septian,
you have to create first a webmap (Create apps from maps—ArcGIS Online Help | ArcGIS ) from arcgis online or portal and then use this as content on your web app builder.
Hi, Papadopoulos
Thank you for the prompt response. So.. this means that all the maps that i want to add to the application, should be added to portal previously?
Yes If you have Portal,otherwise use ArcGIS Online to create the webmap.
Hi Pramudya,
Just to clarify this item,
> .. this means that all the maps that i want to add to the application, should be added to portal previously?
FYI, you can actually create a new web map from scratch within Web AppBuilder itself. Under the Map tab, there is a 'Create a Map' option. Please see this help topic for details,
Map and Scene—Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS | ArcGIS
Hope this helps,
Hi Pramudya,
Unlike the ArcGIS Viewer for Flex, Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS is part of the "Web GIS" ecosystem and works with web maps. Please review this blog post, specifically question #3:
Clarifying 3 questions about Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS | ArcGIS Blog
FYI, after you've created your app based on an initial web map - you can add web services onto it with the Add Data widget. See link below:
Add Data widget—Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS | ArcGIS
Hope this helps,
Hi Law,
Thank you for the prompt response. if i use this add data widget, will the web services be added permanently? or should i add it again everytime i re-run the application?
Hi Pramudya,
No, the Add Data widget enables an end user of the web app to add web services to the map display. If you want to ensure that they are always part of the app when it loads I suggest you create a new web map with the web services already added.
Hope this helps,
Are you wanting to include your ArcGIS Server services in a Web AppBuilder developer edition app? If so, take a look at the Local Layer widget or the Add Service widget in the list below. Some of these may not be updated for the most current release (2.3) so they may take some testing and/or modifications, but it might get you on the right track. By the way, this is clipped from the /blogs/myAlaskaGIS/2016/03/09/web-appbuilder-developer-edition-customization-resource-list?sr=search...
Services and layer:
- 1/10/2017 Enhanced Layer List - Metadata Dialogs widget Enhanced Layer List - Metadata (1/10/17)
- 3/7/2016 new imagery service widget blog post FYI: Image Service widgets available on GitHub And direct link to download page GitHub - Esri/WAB-Image-Services-Widgets: WAB widgets specific to image services. (Esri Raster Dev team)
- 5/29/2016 ISURadar Nexrad Weather Radar Widget
- new 2/7/2016 AddLayer Widget (David McCourt)
- new 2/7/2016 ChangeWebMap Widget (David McCourt)
- Local Layer - use your ArcGIS Server services direct (Adam Drackley and Robert Scheitlin)
- NEW 11/16/2015 LayerListLite Widget (Notice...Lite in name) Direct github link cmndrbensisko/LayerListLite · GitHub (Adam Drackley )
- updated 11/16/2015 Re: LocalLayerWidget Direct github link Release LocalLayer v1.2.1 · cmndrbensisko/LocalLayer · GitHub (Adam Drackley )
- Note for WAB 1.2 updates:
When working with the Local Layer widget in the 1.2 developer edition, the file location to modify in the config file for it to recognize in the WAB1.2:
- \arcgis-web-appbuilder-1.2\client\stemapp\predefined-apps\default\config.json
- \arcgis-web-appbuilder-1.2\client\stemapp\predefined-apps\basic_viewer\config.json
- \arcgis-web-appbuilder-1.2\client\stemapp\predefined-apps\editor\config.json
- \arcgis-web-appbuilder-1.2\client\stemapp\predefined-apps\simple_map_viewer\config.json
- Discussion LocalLayerWidget and AccessifizrWidget (
- Github https://github.com/cmndrbensisko/LocalLayerWidget
- What's the proper configuration for proxy.config and config.json for a self-hosted Web AppBuilder fo...
- see the "answer" portion by (Alex Mahrou)
- Use of the Local Layer Widget? no comments as of time of my adding to this list (2/16/2016), but this could an interesting discussion so including here.
- Add service widget. Add Service Widget 1.2 (Damien Robinson )
- New 7/30/15 Add Shapefile Widget (Nathan Strout)
- new widget 5/30/2016: ImportFile.zip Adam Roestenburg Allows users to add a SHP, CSV OR DXF to directly to a Web App and specify a coordinate system.
- New 9/18/2015 AddShapefile with remove option (Diego LLama)
- New 9/21/2015 Enhanced Bookmark Widget Version 2.1 - 7/20/16 (Robert Scheitlin)
- New 9/29/2015 ArcGIS Online Webmap Switcher Version 1.2 9/29/15 (Daniel Stoelb)
- Enhanced Basemap Gallery – Use slider to mashup two base-maps Enhanced Basemap Gallery (Robert Scheitlin)